Beautiful Twilight: Bible Break Down I

Beautiful Twilight: Bible Break Down (Part 1) The knock at the door was more of a pounding really- but anything at 7 on Sunday morning when you had a hang over sounded like a pounding. "Mrrff...Spark...gitdadoor..." Came the voice of a...

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Hey Rocky...

Hey Rocky.... (Featuring Sparkle Shadowpaw!) ((And for those who don't get the title- It's a "Rocky and Bullwinkle reference. For those of you wondering who Rocky and Bullwinkle are- your probably too young to be reading this. ;) )) The door...

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Beautiful Twilight: Split Special

Beautiful Twilight: Split Special Dennis gave a quiet, anxious sigh as he checked the small watch hanging off his left wrist. 1:57. Usually, the Beautiful Twilight was an extremely crowded bar, and usually, it was hard to get a word in edgewise...

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Sanna Gon' Be Pissed.

(This story was supposed to be a christmas story I wrote for my friends originally. My friends have a really goofy sense of humor, so this stroy fit perfectly. Unfortuentely, it was about reindeer, and I didn't think they'd get most of the furry jokes,...

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Beautiful Twilight: Late Start

Beautiful Twilight: Late Start Sparkle Shadowpaw gave a soft, warm sigh as her fingers drifted south, over the rounded globes of her breast, her soft, pudgy tummy and towards the sensitive, needy junction between her legs. The wolf was lying on...

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Beautiful Twilight: Breaking In New Bottoms

Beautiful Twilight: Breaking in a new bottom With a screech of worn out tires, the old dodge intrepid pulled to a slow, grinding halt in the parking lot of Beautiful Twilight. Niobe sighed quietly, closing her eyes with a flush of exhaustion,...

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Ingredients of Love!

Ingredients for love (Featuring Sparkle Shadowpaw! ) "Come on boys n' Girls...come a lil closer...I'm the re-animator." Sparkle giggled quietly as she danced around the large purple arcane circle she had drawn on the carpet of her floor. The...

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Tanning of a Black Moon

Tanning of a black moon. Jodi sighed quietly, strolling along the mall's heavenly interior. Her sanctuary, as it was, surrounded by designer clothing and fattening foods, the delicious sights of over priced goods and pointless cell phone kiosks...

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Rich Girl's Punishment

Rich Girl's Punishment. \*For Gabe. ^-^\* Gabe circled around his charge slowly, the dim light in the room enough to glint off his bared fangs as he walked. His bobbled tail bobbled slowly back and forth, and his fingers clutched the worn...

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And One to Grow On

And one to grow on!! It was the fox's birthday, and there wasn't much left to do in the night. They had gone to the movies, played video games, and even though Aiden wasn't exactly 'nimble' in the kitchen, they had managed, to enjoy a delightful...

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The Doctor, is IN

The Doctor, is in. Today, has been an extremely good day. As I write this, I can't think of any other day where I've been so fortunate to have such a patient in my office! I need to begin with a clearer background story, I think, before I get into...

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Beautiful Twilight: Of Promises and Punishement

Beautiful Twilight: Of Promises and Punishment The bar on the corner of badger avenue and Bluefox road was quiet. It was a Sunday, which meant the locals had to find another place to drink themselves silly, as Sundays were days that the owner...

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