A Gladiator's Reward

It had been spectacular, whilst he was not interested in this barbaric sport - he admired the physique and training these gladiators had. one in particular had struck him as exceptional...

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One Wrong Turn-1

Let us look and remember them, for how can one forget a race so utterly arrogant and barbaric" he sighed, letting his wings curl in a depressive fashion.

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Boud into fact Chapter 2.

The most noble, and by far the most entertaining is the barbaric lengths you will go to in order to protect your young. you musn't mistake me, for even in our world a child is precious.

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Furtasia: Humans of Furtasia

Many are barbarous, with the most advanced of them reaching a low-medieval level of technology and advancement.

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 8 We Have A Problem...

''i don't know much about humans but what i can say they seem pretty barbaric and stupid.'' then the door got slammed open and a man came out wearing military clothes. ''barbaric? you are the one who attacked us!'' michael stood up.

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A Mans Goal

When the day meets its end and i find myself lying in bed thinking of the barbarity the world has brought upon me during the day. i put away all calculated thoughts and think to whoever may be listening.


The Difter Emergence - Ch. 0 - Introduction

Said to be brutal and barbaric, little thought has always been given to the actual origin of the species.

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All-Time High S1E4

"the school has the most barbaric 'needs'. they expect everyone to weigh at least 200lb and wear crop tops and shorts. what kind of clowns do that?" asked kelly.

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Lands of the Goddess' (Mass public RP idea, WIP)

**wolves** a barbaric species of nomads and hunters. they have no united homeland and the tribes that weren't tamed by the vulpines still wander the land, competeing with themselves and other species for food.

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Rogue Sword - Ch 9: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

And with barbar's miniature warheads you could get a multi-megaton device into orbit and bring it down anywhere in the world, theoretically.

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Dagaron Chronicles: The Dark Age - Prelude

Persia may have taken parts from the east, the germanic hordes of barbaric scoundrels have even come from the north to pillage our great cities, but the church changed so much from within. our lord, our savior christ, with them we have no quarrel.

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a painful memory...(my first big story idea)

I remember that day so clearly...i remember that hopeless feeling deep in my chest. it felt as though it had been pierced by a curl, barbaric spear. all i could do was look on in shock and horror as my sister pulled out her field knife. a dark yet sarcastic

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