Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 18
"if i remember herbert's story correctly it was human bloo..." he paused as a shadow enveloped both twilight and himself. looking up he saw two female alicorns standing side by side.
"thank you bloo- oh goodness, your hurt"! she had noticed the bullet wound in his shoulder. "dont worry about me, i'll be fine. what about you? are you hurt"? "i'm fine, just a few scrapes and bruises. oh wolf, i was so scared.
The Twelve Talsimans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 32 - Marital Bliss
"gatomon's afraid of bloo-ood." the seal mocked a little as he replaced the eye patch. "it's not nice to mock your nurse." she sat down on her butt, giving gomamon a pouty look... the seal wasn't quite done.
The Howling: Chapter 2
bloos spilled down his side, soaking a streak down his fighting pants and pooling upon the floor. a white smoke emanated from his left paw and arm, as if he was sweating away steam.
Lonely Oak Chapter 80
And why is it brig-et and bloo-ey at day, and dark and black at nig-et?" _mercy._ he smiled, and chuckled. her face pouted. "you said..." she started, but then trailed. "i'm not laughing at you," he replied, and then pointed out, "besides.
Mob Rugby 5 (final) - Horns are Unneeded to Fly
And, just like this, bloo receives her legitimate title. -- from there, the meeting grows very boring. mostly about numbers and marketing. this is good: it means that charlotte wan.
Unusual Marital Aid
This is a fun little story idea degyn came up with 'cause he like bloating out a bloo. silly dergan. i luffs him. ivory belongs to ivory of course. i decided to include the image that inspired this story.
That Time I Forgot I Was A Woman [Commission]
His _kilt_ was now shorter and didn't hinder the long strides of his new feline body and the blu...blosu...bloo - the shirt was light enough that he barely noticed it.
Dread Zone Rebirth : Celestial's New Vegas Return Part 1
"is... is that... bloo-oo-od."
Obsessions: chapter 1.1
."** **fire fumed from his mouth with every word, anger clearly coursing through his bloo and veins like a toxin, fueling the needed strength.** **""** **jacob calmed, taking a few deep breaths.** **" whatever
Sunless Era - 1/2
O-on the bloo-_\*hack\*..._on the bloody sp... sp... spe_\*aaaghff\*"_second helping, less generous but more acid.
Sunless Era - 2/2
If i were into girls, it'd have moved some bloo down, if you know what i mean!" banjo laughs at this. "awww, kiddo, you're all foul-mouthed today! it's cute to see you having so much fun with neutral's new pet. she looks sweet, yes.