Hard as Stone
The buff carpenter's eyes bulged as he heard the clockmaker he adored so dearly speaking of such an outcome, even in jest.
Scarlet Necklace - Part I - Time to Begin
carpenter was another red fox, a police officer that was considered a prick by the rest of the students. he introduced himself with his full name but by the end of the first day he was just carpenter.
BYWAYS - Chapter 4
Si=poz4l2gt0tte6osw)_ while the dealer's dick hung out of the bathroom stall hole, anton carpenter checked the time on his phone with his free hand.
The Carpenter and the Nightingale Ch.1
Soooo, this is the first chapter of the first story in this 7 book series, the carpenter and the nightingale. i really hope you enjoy it.
The Carpenter and the Nightingale Ch. 2
I hope you enjoy it.the carpenter and the nigthingale: chapter 1 **chapter two:** brave journey the evening shadows had fallen over the land, bathing the sky in its twilight hue.
To Wander Infinity ~ Prologue: The Prophecy of the Wanderer
The boy simply didn't have the makings of a carpenter in him. perhaps teldon should have let him join the army.
The Society, CH 1
"oh, and carpenter, remember to wear gloves this time." the gazelle raised her hands to show she was already wearing them.
Angelsong: Chapter 2
carpenter left the room, much to mr. carpenters protests and i was left alone with the agent. "now, what's your name, ms...?" "my name is none of your business without an explicit warrant," i replied as he set down his case.
BYWAYS - Chapter 1
Anton carpenter smiled until he fell asleep, and he dreamed of mountains. - "did you do the reading for english?"
Upon the Chaos Dark
By the time they finished, the storm broke into open downpour, and the carpenter looked at the fresh planks fixed to the hull as though he was already doubting his judgment. "if you think it won't hold..." the carpenter had to raise his voice, too.
Exercise -- Write about what's under your house
I've taken a carpenter's level to various locations in his house, particularly those places where the tilt seems strongest.
chapter 24
Just find any carpenters in the town and ask them one. either they want a single request or not, it's up to the carpenters," said the brown lycan while blowing out smoke from his maw. "one suggestion, though. don't ask for single carpenters.