Doberman and Throbbin, Part 1, Daniel's story
We run from the carriage just in time as a spark catches the liquid and then engulfs the whole carriage in a fireball.
The Attack 2
The carriage cabin instantly filled with the reek of cordite, as the big bovine let go of the carriage window and swerved off. 'boom.' a huge fifty caliber lead slug ripped through the carriages wooden frame.
Hand of Hell: Chapter 3, Theft
There were five guards around the large carriage and two on either side of the carriage driver.
To Dream of Darkness III - CH 55
And there _was_another protective circle, which was fully outside the primary one, in the corner farthest from the carriage. heather quietly opened the carriage door and looked inside it.
The Lead Crown: Ch 5c, A Call to Arms (Pt 1)
This was taken into account when i had the carriages reserved."
The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (2)
The door was opened and a chill entered the carriage, as the white tiger and the otter excited the carriage. the otter opened the step on the carriage while the tiger went over to the door and knocked three times.
Doberman and Throbbin, Part 1, Luke's Story
Before i had time to react the train rocks violently, carriages derailing and flipping, some off the track while others crash down on the carriage in front. i hear the screams of my fellow commuters as our carriage slams to a halt.
The Arrival (Part 2)
He burst through the doorway out onto the bridge between carriages, then forced his way into the next cabin. the very front carriage was the most densely populated.
Viper the Assassin - Chapter 3 (Commissioned Story)
The carriage shook and creaked as it sped down the road, every bump and dip causing the badger to jump uncomfortably in the back of the carriage.
With Tooth and Paw: Chapter 5
Vedrit found that the carriages fit four comfortably, and many were full. luckily vedrit soon found a carriage with an open seat and put his small pack on top with the others.
War of the Dragons - Chapter 6
Nova quickly grabbing a pawful from the dirt road and headed for the carriage.
The Lead Crown: Ch 8.5a, Rude Awakenings
Fortunately his overactive mind was cut short as the carriage came to a halt. kesst, who had been silently sitting in a cross-legged position on the floor of the carriage during the trip opened his eyes.