Gilded Cage: Chapter 21
"spare me featherbutt." leon retorted, "just because i rode one time on one particular gryphon doesn't mean i'll ride your sorry back." "my back is wonderful thank you very much slick skin."
Beaten Off The Path 2 of 2
"so it's just you and i now, featherbutt." she said, lifting up her knee to rest against. "so what do we do now? do i leave you here and hope you get that harness off or do i take it off now and sell it in the uriel market?"
The Fourth Wall: Part Three
"i wouldn't stretch it too far, featherbutt. you're in competition with bry." blade grumbled and rolled his eyes. "it doesn't count when you were already friends in your story!" koru chuckled and made saber smile.
Loupy's Loopy Circus
Her hooves fell easily into the legholes with a little guidance while daddy threaded her tail through the back and attached the accompanying giant pink fuzzy peacocklike featherbutt tail meant for cute decoration.
Raptor's Pledge
"our lives are at stake, you stupid featherbutt, and you are thinking of games?!" sun shook his head to wash off the stinging sensation. he licked and rubbed, yet the tickling persisted.