Free Exile

Now rael was not a traitor much less a heretic but there is no way to remove a brand since they branded him a traitor and heretic he decided that they would have to deal with him truly as such.

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Repeated Loops

"to your feet, heretic." tilla lifted her head to look up. the mouse had a tired look on her face. she had not slept much. no surprise, considering she knew her life was over this day. she had been a heretic of the god ka'lesh. it was not untrue.

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Midline Shift 38 - Amongst the Geth

The heretics asked for the old machines to give them the future. they are no longer part of us."_ "heretics?! what heretics, who are you talking about!?"

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human boy to elite hero ch.8 final chapter

"right, we've got to get rid of these heretics pronto." shal-tablii tilted her head a little at jacob's remark. "heretics? those aren't heretics, those are just pirates, have you ever seen a heretic before?"

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Alabaster and the Ring of Winter (excerpt)

If he didn't know any better, he would have thought the prince was far too comfortable strolling through the heretic mage's private realm.

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WG I - Catharsis

Six months ago, this small village had been the centre of a skirmish between the cathar heretics loyal to count raymond, and a group of french knights.

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The Emerald Oath: 1 - Heretic

They all knew he was branded a blasphemous heretic, even if it was only in name.

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Advent, Chapter 7-Double Alliance?

"the heretic was one out of a million, then two million, then a billion, and as the growth trend increased, it became harder and harder to locate him.


Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 13 - Lust

However, the term heretic is a much harsher thing to be called. it meant he was believed something false and foolish. hunters were considered heretics in the underworld but why was sayomi. "you ok?" maia asked just ahead of him.

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NWITBE: Part 1: Prologue

Next book one: chapter one: the xeno, the demon and the heretic.

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Alantris, Chapter 7

The worship of heretics is just that, an affliction."

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