Promise? Chapter 5

When all was set and done, ammy, issun and i sat around the camp deciding on what to do next. "so, before we talk about anything else and i've already got the "ok" from ammy, but is it ok with you issun that i continue to travel with you two?" i asked.

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Promise? Chapter 7

Said ammy, "issun begged me that we would stay for all five days so that's the plan when we get there. that's plenty of time for you to search." i nodded, "thanks" "hey, it was my idea! thank me!" said issun "thanks issun."

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Promise? Chapter 11

"hey ammy, issun is in your fur right?" "yeah, want me to wake him up?" ammy shook her fur which resulted in one angry microscopic being appearing in front of us. "why'd you wake me up?!

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Valentines With The Sun

Said issun from his place on her neck. she gave a bark in reply, thinking to herself, _poor issun, being back in his homeland must be difficult for him.

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Divine Bonds (Wolf Link x Amaterasu)

issun and midna spent the next while conversing with each other while amaterasu and link just listened.

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The Power of the Stray Beads

issun proclaimed as he drew his sword. the sun goddess looked up as the clouds parted to show an incomplete constellation. just as before, she filled in the corners with stars, and just as before, something popped out.

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Departure and Returning

And issun?" amaterasu asked hopefully. "issun? oh ammy, you wouldn't believe me if i told you." sakuya said with a smile. "try me." amaterasu stated with a grin. "well if you must know, issun has completely changed.

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Promise? Chapter 9

Ammy and issun were both up and stared at me. i couldn't stop shaking. _i...killed....all...those...people.... i

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Promise? Chapter 8

_great, issun got caught._ i thought until i remembered that there was no water in the springs. ammy was there too, so i walked next to her and asked, "so, issun break something or are we in the clear?"

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Promise? Chapter 12

You and issun are my only friends, and i couldn't imagine what i'd do without you." "you would probably have a lot less headaches." i chuckled as i ran my hand on her head.

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Amateratsu and the Nine-Tailed Demon

Even issun, the flealike man who never seemed to shut up, was silent.

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Amateratsu and the Nine-Tailed Demon

Even issun, the flealike man who never seemed to shut up, was silent.

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