Threshold of Passion

Some reason, though, i tried to pretend like i wasn't that sort of guy, and you respected me for that and i liked that you respected me, even if i did go on to suck you off anyway, which, to be honest, had been my plan even before you got me drunk off of kamikazes

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saving new mombosas citizens

He was going over the battle, again and again in his mind trying to think of a way to stop them that did not involve kamikaze runs or a star going nova when his nav officer asked for his attention.

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Round 1: Kanto

"kamikaze sky uppercut!" he rushed at her with a glowing fist at a great velocity. when he got in range thought, she rolled around his attack and countered with an aerial ace.

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Where this Flower Blooms - Part 1

Right when ian was ready to set off a blackhole bomb in a kamikaze attempt to take team green with him the bell rang. the robot war was put on hold. the school children were safe from total obliteration. for now... "aww!"

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Finding Humanity Chapter 1

His weapons must be out for she's well in range so he's doing a kamikaze run. she looks over the weapons panel and sees that her torpedoes are still functional. she pulls the trigger and the torpedoes launch at point blank range.

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Gal's Gone Wild: Durango Chapter 1

So now we have a kamikaze sperm about to fertilize a planet, if not kill everything on the planet as that engine i told you about was the first fusion drive engine. what happened next can best be described as the egg has been fertilized.

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Because i figured going kamikaze was your ace strategy." the note of humor in the reuniclus's "voice" (actually just a telepathic projection) made it clear that he wasn't being serious.

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Rita's Beginning

Seriously, the cervix has an opening that's meant for liquids, not to be rammed into like a kamikaze pilot. geez. i am tolerant of most any creed or species, but there are just two that get on my nerves... horse and dragon males.

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P.O.Wned chapter 1: The beginning

Missiles were launched, but the pirates had apparently gotten hold of good counter measures, as the high tech kamikazes were sucked off course. the very few that did have a lock on the pirate vessels were easily taken out by point defense systems.

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Conditioning the Dragon [Patron Reward]

This didn't seem like a planned ambush - he'd just found himself surrounded by whatever these _things_ were, and they were all diving towards him with the drive of kamikazes.

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Equestrian Knights Ch 14. Striking Back

How about i tie a bunch of explosives to myself, and then fly at them like a kamikaze pegasus!" suggested lightning dust."no, i think they'd see that coming," said trixie. "plus, we don't have any explosives.""oh," said lightning dust, disappointedly."

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