You Huff Like a Vixen

"kesta? oh. politic, it's all politic. i can't let you show up and take everything you cussing well please! you're still my junior." reive pushed against sunflower, who did not move away this time.

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DSM - 44 Der Clan der Greifen

Vielleicht konnte sie ihm den zauber geben und er wirkte ihn dann nur noch so wie kesta, immerhin hatte er auch noch eine schuppe und das würde reichen, denn sie würde nicht aus dem nest kommen.

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Bunny Games 2

He watched her run off with yumi, kesta and frey as his mind wrestled with conflicting thoughts.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 44: Heaven is not necessarily Paradise

He had no idea what that obscene amount would have been like in kesta, the money of his empire on the mortal plane, but he was pretty sure it was better not to even wonder about it.

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