turning point

Gasped the decepticon warlord "your a dieing mechanoid prime, where are you drawing all of this power from?" the decepticon leader shouted in anger "whether its impossible or laughable , great men open up paths to victory.

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The End Of All

Although he had the capacity and programming giving him the capacity to reason far beyond the level that even switch himself could manage as a mere organic, the tiger knew that the mechanoid also lacked the knowledge and experience that a lifetime of growing

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Hellborn: Poisonous Soil

She looked up at the mechanoid. "may i..?" sharp nodded, and hadya felt around the cut, watching sharp's pained reaction increase to the stimulus. she removed her hand with a quiet apology. "incredible..."

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The Metamorph planet Pt1

mechanoids, moving plant like creatures, avians, reptiles, mammals, amphibians. it was the perfect equilibrium of species. i noticed lots of wheeled vehicles moving around, flying devices, so many things it was staggering.

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The Elves of Perfection Pt 1

Everyone else had treated us with first suspicion, or fear, no exceptions.oh, hang on, the robots, although they were mechanoid, so they shouldn't count.

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Central New Year 2 Pt 4 Aftermath

We built one modelled on simba once, only self, devlin and silverine could tell any difference.this was a few years ago, so don't bother asking.the problem with mechanoids is that you have to use so much power to kept them going.

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Beast Wars Ravages of Love (original story)

"like helping ravage bring megatron to justice," rhinox concurred, the heavy-set mechanoid furrowing his brow in concern. "and find out his real agenda.

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a heros final moments. the death of a legend

Of himself, long before the war, a carefree young mechanoid called orion. of elita-1, then named ariel, graceful and lithe, a seemingly endless spring of happiness.

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The Chemdogs

He was sure whoever was controlling the robot was watching the situation through the mechanoid's eyes. quite possibly also listening, too.

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Command: Rape

It was the same trick she'd used earlier when attempting to flee from shyvana, springboarding off of the mechanoid's back. unfortunately, it had just as much success as the last time too.

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Star Fox: Ascension #12 TRINITY

Andross' scientists had apparently built a large mechanoid that had gone rogue and destroyed the base before a battle could even be fought there. the empire's hubris appeared to know no bounds.

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Profile of Drake Hellblazer Harkonen

Subjugated to many tortures, rape included, from the demons, who had used his healing abilities to their advantage, along with sometimes forcing him to fight against ferocious beasts, monsters, demons, prisoners from both lumiora and other realms, and even mechanoids

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