Comrade Riders, One: Major Event Callout

midwest motorsport association!!" compton thought about it for a minute, thinking if it was legitimate.

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HUGE Auctions on FA and SF!

It's auction season as we prep for midwest furfest! they're falling out of the sky, like snowflakes in a blizzard! (i always wait for the january snowflakes. the december ones aren't ripe.) wanna bid on some twisted, fairy tale fun!

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Steel Wheels, Iron Horses Preface

Throughout the amalagation of many railroads, the canterlot & north western spawned a vast network of rails covering the midwest and extending all the way to the nrothwestern tip of the nation. it became the fifth largest railroad in equestria.

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Rural midwest, august 21,1942 i was once degenerate a nobody a poor sack of shit. a theif alone, i had nobody i was alone roaming the streets for food and shelter but more then that a friend someone i could lean on, talk to in my time of need.

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SPECIAL: Fur Squared 2014 Wrap-Up

We learn that silver does not know what alcohol is (and has a very weird tolerance), tommyfox is not a good artemis pilot, sombra wanted silver to buy more stuff, and that the con was freezier than 'freezer con' (midwest fur fest 2013).

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Kiss of Destiny: Prologue

The part of the country she lived in, the midwest, was profoundly empty of other cats. she had yet to see more than one other cat since they'd moved there after the studio fire in los angeles. the solitude both cheered and depressed her.

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Anne-Marie's secret past.

\>somewhere in the midwest. \>far away from her old life. \>have to start a new band, leave her old mates behind. \>it sucks. \>but revenge is sweet. \>an epilogue. \>end of a set. new members, new band.

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The Black Shepherd - Chapter 16

Patricia held the same lunging pose between the couch and the television upstairs, framed in a mark of late-morning midwest sun which peeked through the yawning curtains.

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Bears, Repeating - Heat #12 Preview

It was muggy in the midwest that day. red pandas don't do so good in this humidity, but that's where school is--at least a school that would give me some financial aid and accept my sometimes sub-par high school grades.

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The Murrcon Part 1

The issue was that they were in the midwest, and i was currently in a guestroom in queens... not really congruent with meeting new people when one was as broke as i...

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