An experiment gone wrong? Part 2
You take your two index fingers pressing them together, looking down at the floor as the red in you cheeks deepen a little more.
Sonic Boom - Prologue
Max had given them more time than he had promised, and margareta silently thanked him.
Ode to the Pirate Queen Jezebel
Twice a year they came, the cat finding the nameless town pleasant for more reasons than one, being safe as well as providing good company. her edge on sea slipped, though, each raid was more of a chore and her crew started getting hurt.
**no more, no more, no more** no more, no more, no more, i beg for this torture to end my final notes i have penned. those who held me close i have betrayed our ties have been stretched and frayed.
More Than Friends?
He hoped this would mean they are more than friends.
The Portal Games: The First Vote
They would have more motivation to do well in the next arena, just because they'd failed this time, and that would make the use of the offense idol that much more crucial.
A long hard Night shift. Part 1 A mouth full ( night five the beginning )
It was huge and she had only taken half of if she wanted more she wanted to fill i'd down her throat and have nicks growing knot against her lips.
Whoever you are, i hope you enjoy this story. it's my first, and i plan to make more. comments are highly appreeciated! * * * part one the problem with stories like this is that you can never figure out the perfect theatrical way to begin them...
An Unforgotten Night
Their dance became more erotic watching bethanie's eyes going up and down naira's body especially enticed on her ass. the grinding became slower like she was doing more than hotdogging that thick mouth watering fuck stick.
Walt's Stories, Part One
The sort of guy who would give his lunch to a homeless man every day on the way to school because he needed it more. which also kept him really skinny, especially after he joined the swim team.
Birth of A KiIller (unfinished)
I expected more... and it has been a while, hasn't it... mark?"
Kalyn's Story - The Beginning.
It seemed the more of these 'tests' i underwent, the more i enjoyed them. when the door finally opened, i couldn't help but peek around it, wondering what i would be confronted with this time.