A Rainy Afternoon
"watch it, sam, or your little fox nards are gonna be my shoe's next victim!" for some reason, that made sam tingle too. thankfully, the rain was helping.
A Rainy Afternoon
"watch it, sam, or your little fox nards are gonna be my shoe's next victim!" for some reason, that made sam tingle too. thankfully, the rain was helping.
The Sleepover: Caught Underfoot
"i don't care if you pinch max's nard." "thanks a lot, asshat!" max gnashed his teeth, then set a hand over melissa's. "okay, okay, don't pinch it, huh?
Beginner's Luck
My nards! my frickin' nards, my naaaards!" "aww, poor maxy." sarah leaned back and plopped her feet up on her wriggling brother. "right in both kitten marbles, huh?" "they're not...uhhhh! kitten...awwwh...marbles!" melissa giggled, shaking her head.
Penalty on the Field
"i dunno...my nards...oh god, my nards...it's...so much worse...than i remembered!" "i get the feeling he hasn't figured out if _he_ likes it, either." melissa turned her attention to james. "what about you, buddy?
The Sleeping Bag Game
"awwww, my nards!" his moan made the girls laugh. "hah! it's so funny when they call them their nards." "now, now, james," melissa tightened her grip to make sure she had his attention. "be a good pup, and i'll let go, and you'll get an orgasm.
Growing Pains: Calvin
And pains in the nards too as calvin and hal could both easily attest to.
The Crush
My nards! oooooh, my naaaaards!" "ahahahahaha!" sally laughed and bounced on her toes, then turned to high five a rabbit girl standing nearby. "bullseye! right in his 'yote marbles!" "awwwwwww!"
Hairy Potter story
In addition, his nards had expanded to near-avocado-sized proportions, with a resulting increased in his ejaculation force and volume.
The Sleepover: Dual Wielding
"max's nards are pretty bouncy when they're all warm, too." she pointed towards her brother. "and adam's definitely are. when i pants him and slap them around, they bounce all over the place."
You say it 'burr-nerd,' not 'burr-nard' ... most furs don't know that. i pronounce it a different way, and ... " "uh ... uh," dotna stammered, eyes darting. shake him, shake him! "there are some lovely flowers over there.
Nutcracker Season - Part One
She's gonna wanna knock your little fuzzy nards around, too. but have fun at michael's." she walked off, laughing to herself.