My Second Visit To Frank (A Walter Fox story)
After all, unlike me or most of the perc staff, he had a wife he shared a bed with, and he knew i was one lonely fox-person.
perce asked. "i've seen male models who'd work themselves to death to look half as good as you." "didn't we say no comments?" gentis shot back, a little sharply. "we're not making fun of you-" perce cut off with a look from evvan.
The Arlington Denial Facility
"the hell do you think i look like, perce? some giant 9 foot tall werewolf, stomping around in ripped robes, howling at the moon? wolves are smaller than men. i'm lucky i grew tall as i did.
James' Birthday (Ch. 1)
He felt bad for not taking his meds, even worse for deceiving james- the dog had always been so good about making sure perce took all his pills, reminding him when he forgot.
Cuddles to Go
"oh, c'mere you," perce said while reaching over to pull his canine into a tight embrace, a little giggle escaping his throat.
A Really Splendid Fun Day
"hey perce!" thomas smiled. the green furred slightly chubby bunny turned around and smiled widely, "thomas!" he ran to his best friend and greeted him in a brotherly hug.
Border Worlds Tales Two: Fighter down
Said perce. thirty minutes later cargo bay d. jared, heather and astrid stood by the 1973 dodge dart. pete gave each female a watch, then he looked at astrid.
Kissing Ass on the Hill is a Skill
Very often she is seen wearing red blouses and silvery pants, glasses perced on her snout. in that way, she looks all themore tempting. and, when it fall on the vice president to make a critical decision in congress, ara has another job.
Left to His Own Devices, Ch. 2
I just wanted to surprise you- i," he said, sighing and closing his eyes to rock back and forth, holding perce in his arms the whole time.
Left to His Own Devices, Ch. 1
On the days that james did wake up with perce, the husky normally made them both breakfast- most of the time some eggs and toast -and they would eat together in bed while catching up on some of the shows they liked.
Armeggedon: The Katsu story 2
I took aim and fired three shots, each percing the scales of the dragon morph attacking lumine. its blood sprayed onto the floor coating it in its deep red color. along with the dragon morph who fell ot his side. 'two down one to go' i stupidly stated.
Even Monsters Have Problems Pt.1
Hes got some tattoos, a few percings, looks more like a punk than an accountant. but he's so adorable! i can't get over it." sully's description was enthusiastic, to say the least. "well you seem excited enough about him.