A Flame in your heart:: Ch. 1 A New Sun Rises pt 1
I don't have much use for pointless book knowledge." "pointless book knowledge huh? i guess you think we could do pretty well without it, huh?" she sneered at him, and tossed him a bottle of purified water.
Master Steele Chapter Six: Jenna wants Steele bad
Steele didn't like it when people just waltzed in to his office unannounced for pointless reasons. this wasn't a truly pointless reason; she was going to try and seduce steele, only he could sate her desire.
Standing there in shame over the sins others have committed is pointless. if you really felt that bad you would get up and do something to fix it.
Hypnovember 2023 Day 5: Sci-Fi/Machine
They rode down, all the while axel struggling in some vain attempt to get away, but it was pointless. when the doors opened once more, the dog's breath was stolen away.
Luna and Thief Ch: 23
She passed a pointless plume of embers towards the air and just wondered if it was worth pointlessly wasting fuel. well... for her, at least her fire couldn't go out. she was a vulpix after all.
Twelve Days of Skyrim - TES Arrow in the Knee Christmas Song
Nine pointless quests, eight points overburdened, seven bottles of skooma, six friendly fire bolts, five summoned scamps! four fur helms, "will you just leave the wolves alone?! i'm sick with hell joint again!"
Dinner and Catharsis
If i win, homework is never pointless. if you win, it can be pointless sometimes." mike grabbed a controller and turned on the console "you're on, old man!" the two kept fighting, the loser always wanting a rematch.
Dinner and Catharsis
If i win, homework is never pointless. if you win, it can be pointless sometimes." mike grabbed a controller and turned on the console "you're on, old man!" the two kept fighting, the loser always wanting a rematch.
MSBA- Abduction
If i open the door and i'm underground it's pointless and if i'm too far in the air it's equally pointless. and considering that big man could very easily overpower me again it makes any sort of escape for the moment pointless.
Project Azura: A guide to Valentia
To help with world building and to sav me writing in pointless asides. also a place for me to dump all terminology # valentia an information page.
Worth: Chapter 3
pointless people doing pointless tasks for pointless reasons. that was how she often summed up normal working life, usually with more expletives added the more under the influence she became.
Please, forgive me
When i got to school it was already bustling with students, all talking about what pointless thing they did over the weekend.