Christopher's Journey in Johto, Chapter 2

If you have a ps3 (kingdom\_9063), friend request me. if you have a google plus (isaac velez, with the snivy evolution line as a profile picture), follow me.

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Good News Bad news(Chapter 21)

You prefer the ps3. tell you what, i'll get you a ps3 for your birthday." raymond laughed and said, "don't you guys already have one?" gideon shook his head, "naw, my parents sold it and replaced it with a ps2.

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Troubling News

But they also wouldn't have the ps3 or the tv... silver wondered if they could bring the ps3 and tv with them. "i don't think they'll work in my world... that sucks." he said to himself. he could live without it.

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A True Sleepover Story Day - 1 - Friday Night

**voice:** wake up ch0w wakes up scared in the sofa, they are all wanting sitting there wanting to play some ps3. but then they look for it when they feel the smell of sweat, and another smell that no one wanted to say what it was.

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Hidden Love Ch2

"we can either go to my room and play the ps3 or we could bring it out here." ariel said. "lets go to your room. i want to see what it looks like."

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Jason's Nightmare - Part 7 [Meeting Sarah]

It's a really great game for the ps3, if you guys have a ps3, go get beyond: two souls as soon as possible. jason awoke from his nightmare, the lucario was covered in sweat and his heart was racing.

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High School Chapter 4

"so, what is there to do here other than ps3?" john asked.

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To Snare a Wolf Part One

#1 of to snare a wolf apologies for the shortness of the story but my ps3 can only write so much. anyway, please enjoy the part stories of "to snare a wolf". in the second month of my last year at school, my mother decided to send me to a new school.

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A sleepover

"oh right the ps3," alex said, trying to remember when he requested that eric bring the game console. eric could barely look up at chris the moment he stepped inside the door.

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The Taming of Mitchell Anick, Episode 5.

"don't worry rick, you will soon get into ps3 and you will then wonder why you were whimpering" the sliding doors are closed and the three of us sit on the couch and finish our meals in complete privacy and silence, but one thing is for sure, very soon there

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Sleep Over at Bonbon's

"tristan said he was gonna let us play on his ps3 while he is over at his friend's house!" lance said as he and arron ran over to him hugging his legs. "oh did he now?

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