
"raak rah rah keee!" the little feathery thing chided, looking much happier. it jumped in the air a few times waving its arm and then ran into the opened box again. "waaacha doin?"

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Beneath the Warmest Feathers

"raak...found your footing, my not-so-little brother?" sythrak dug his head under his chest clacked his beak with lust as his eyes drank in the sight of his sibling's fully aroused cock staring back at him.

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Beneath the Warmest Feathers

"raak...found your footing, my not-so-little brother?" sythrak dug his head under his chest clacked his beak with lust as his eyes drank in the sight of his sibling's fully aroused cock staring back at him.

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The Shifting Sands - Azir x Quinn - League of Legends

raak._ "shush, you giant ball of feathers. you'll probably end up making people nervous, and we're here to set a good example."

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A Dog’s Best Toy

raak, the waiting, the worrying, the inevitable that somewhat preferable over the heat of coupling before eyes whose owners you'll never see?" "that sounds like a trap." "the only trap here is your tight vent, dear swellow.

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Snowbound: Fox

raak and him shared a few short, angry words, but nothing came of it. soon, they were back at the tent. raakk gently placed the fox down on the hides covering the floor, wrapping him up in the blankets tightly.

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Feathery Reprieve

"raak, no need to...massage there..." he muttered, beak saying one thing, big, needy eyes, another. only a quick sniff, haldryn promised himself...

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Autumn's Feathery Love

"raak- that's it!" he grabbed his gryphon's head between his hands and pressed the top of his beak against the gryphon's. "i love you too, my dear squawker, more than i have shown you out there in the fields or even here, in our secret nook.

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