Microfiction Compilation 2023-01
The human's attempts at appeasing a pokémon are far too little, just like the human itself is now that the raboot has gotten bored of all the grinding and other uninteresting aspects of dealing with it.
Primrose Valley: Maturity
The blue and black raboot had two goals for such a long time. one of them was to prove the existence of the forest faerie. considering calex would regularly come out to play with them that one was done. the other...
Embers, Part Two
She had taken his pokeball he had left and made it into a beautiful necklace and each time she ran into either a raboot, or a cinderace, she would try to recall it in hopes that it was cindy.
Pokephilia Story - A Spy Lizard for a Valentine (Rose's Tale P.2)
Among the playing kids were pokemon such as raboot, riolu, tyrogue, or just about any small to medium pokemon that was able to kick and move quickly.
Shooting Your Shot
It really started when i was still a raboot." he paused while slightly rubbing his paws together. "i was realizing that i got happier when you were around. a lot happier. and i would miss you when we left.
Primrose Valley: Family and Tradition
The black and blue raboot was a little confused by deven's desperation. getting deven to do his own homework was a trick. why did he suddenly want to do someone else's? "what about you?"
Brother's Bribe Pt 3
The raboot boy clad only in his jersey, which had caught on his puffball tail and left his firm white rump on full display.
Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters
"he still looked like a raboot to me." "well yeah!" deven replied in an exasperated tone. "that's cause after we were all done playing he changed back to normal! well except zeelo, he had to wait to hatch again before he could go back to normal.
The Fantasy Factory: Pikachu
He and goh had been friends their entire lives, and there had been no question of who would escort goh on his journey, though cinderace's (then a more moody raboot) inexperience meant that more seasoned fighters like ash and pikachu were a welcome addition
Chapter Three: The Santalune Gym
It was a raboot hole he didn't want to dive into as he stood in the line. "name?" after all, wyatt had been pretty stressed out these past few days. saving some crazy dude, shacking up with cameron, and this crazy... stupid plan.
Embers, Part Three
Evolving into a raboot. being abandoned by her. surviving on his own. finding his new trainer, and char. the virginity he lost to the dragon. swimming with karia...
Looney Transformations
"zee raboot is right, you know." pepe le pew said. "characters such as zee, are quite fam-ous on ze intanet, especially our kind." the skunk's eyes turned from daffy, over to vaughn.