Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 29: Regulation 3

"whether she does or doesn't or should have told you or didn't, the end result doesn't change: someone killed marco because of regulation 3." theo wasn't ready to let the discussion go past the regulation. "but...

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Shallow Waters

After that he hooked on and screwed on the octo to the top of the tank valve, after it is securely fastened on he put the regulator and back up regulator to the right and the console to the left.

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The courier Part 1

Shi was very very very rarely caught by regulators, and even if shi was, they could never catch hir with stolen info. also, shi is the only courier to have been able to destroy a regulator and come out unscathed.

The Courier Part 2

regulators!" matthias shouted. the front door exploded and 4 regulators filed inside. "couriers, prepare to be eliminated. james gerlock, we are to take you back to your father." "go to hell regulators!" matthias shouted.


The Deep Lesson

I closed my lips around the molded rubber and held the regulator in place with my teeth. with little ceremony i inhaled and felt the cool dry air fill my lungs. i took another couple breaths and heard the distinctive hiss of the regulator.

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World RXS-2679

There's one little problem about all these magical regulations.

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 08

He located the regulator and placed the one he'd made next to it, connecting it before disconnecting the other one.

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The leopard didn't stop coming at me and as he went to throw his first punch one of the regulators grabbed him from behind.

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The Family Dive Story

"regulators." striker said next. he and phoenix put their regulators into their mouths, then they each gave their pups their regulators. the young ones put them in their mouths before taking hold of their parents' paws.

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YCHtober Day 1: Mermaids

The regulator that was once covering her mouth now served 'as' her mouth. "if you get to be a mermaid, then i get to be a shark! i got all these extra eyes too so i'm a special shark!"

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 35: The Next Jen-eration

"i wouldn't be part of the regulation three initiative... why would i be in danger?" dr. makowi stepped over to join the overseer, albeit, behind the stallion. "perhaps you might enlighten me as to the meaning of regulation three?"

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The Proceeding

Only it's not a regulator, because a regulator is something that you can change, that you can very up and down to a specific setting. it's really just a switch - all the way off, or maximum on.

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