Sidekick Retreat
Pulse ran, he ran down the street, past the citizens. He wasn't a citizen, he was a superhero. His slick gold and and black costume made him looks like a lightning bolt as he ran past the normal people. It also helped him keep his secret identity,...
Retreat and Regroup
Llewellyn Chavez shivered in the cool evening air. It had rained that afternoon and a chill was left on the breeze. Adjusting his coat, the zebra began the short trek back to his car. Deftly avoiding puddles and swearing under his breath. The...
Dark Retreating Hush
So much for his hope of rest tonight ... he doubted he'd be able to hear his dreams in this dark retreating hush. juneau (hoping she didn't smell like mouse ... could they tell ... could they tell she smelled like mouse?)
A Retreat to Zebra Island
It was an island, of course; the resort had been so specific about that feature, billing this place as an 'isolated retreat' that was almost impossible to get to.
Retreat from Bastogne
"we're tactically retreating! stay off the road and give coving fire! i'll meet you all at the round-about!
Chapter 11: Resistance
Chapter 11: Resistance After breakfast and goodbyes, the latter of which included another lengthy hug from Whitney, Jason pulled his dark blue sedan out of the garage, and, with Ellie's direction, they proceeded to Katya's home. The ginger feline's...
Chapter 7: Retreat and Advance
The stockade itself is an excellent strong point we could retreat to if necessary." "you really think we might need to run from these savages, sir?" the bear asked, distain dripping off each word.
The Fox General: Sound the Retreat
"an organized retreat will not end well." "do we have any better ideas?" i asked. once again, there was silence. "we will assume retreat is our only option," i closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead.
Lovers’ Retreat: A Special Occasion.
It was warm, for an autumn breeze. Wind flowed underneath their scales, and made the crimson dragons' short mane wave a bit in the breeze. His partner shivered, crunching branches and dead leaves underpaw. "Why'd we have to go all the way out here? If...
Ocean Retreat (Hide By The Sea)
META AN: I'm posting this here, directly copying and pasting from, which was the original target site. I'm Tiel, a newcomer to SoFurry. I've been writing for a long enough time to just want to write things and post them. You can find...
Retreat to Command (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The phoenix stumbled through the hallways of the ship, his eyes closed and hand grasping his shoulder firmly. With months of practice aboard the ship, he was able to readily navigate the corridors filled to overflowing with vibrantly flashing lights...
Chapter 4: A Mountain Retreat
The king challenged while sliding between the retreating loupi and the door. "i was thinking maybe you would like to join us even," he said as he advanced on the now retreating military man.