{Pokémon/Diapers} Dirty Diaper Debacle
roserade asks her.
What, a dog isn't a pokemon? chapter three
His body aiming for roserade's. "roserade dodge." juno commanded. roserade jumped into the air and arcanine easily compensated by jumping into the air sending roserade into a tree sending the tree tumbling into the lake.
A Different Kind of Training - Part 10
Go, roserade!" i'd seen a few roserade in battle before; this is gonna be tough. "we gotta be quick, nengan, dragon rage!" "counter with magical leaf," rose replied calmly. roserade sent out a storm of leaves while nengan attacked with his dragon rage.
Prologue Part 2: Sink or Swim, Sink or Mim
"is that the roserade that you, well, you know!" mim called out, as he simultaniously blushed, caused the small crowed to roar in laughter, make ludwig and roserade embarrassed, and cause the starmie to face-fault. "zat iz it!"
Separation Anxiety F Glaceon X M Trainer
"roserade, use petal dance!" two tornadoes of colorful petals raced towards glaceon. "use icy wind glaceon!" i shouted. the freezing wind she whipped up blew the petals away, and threw roserade off balance. "finish roserade off now glaceon!
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goodbye Hoenn, Hello Kanto
While they began their work i began mine with roserade.
What, a dog isn't a pokemon? chapter one
Mightyanne shot a purple ball sending roserade back. roserade stood up and juno yelled, "roserade use razor leaf." roserade sent an array of leaves at the awaiting mightyanne. "dodge it mightyanne." cyndi yelled.
An Umbreon's Quest Chap 12 Watering leaves with a shine
"i was freeing a roserade. she said that keltorie's parents and arch might be further down." i told him. "don't fall behind like that again." he said. "i'm sorry nicarun." i didn't want him to be upheaved. "where's this roserade now?"
Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt36
As much as he wanted to jack knew he could do nothing for it after all this was nature's way, if he did help and baring he didn't get poisoned and horrifically injured himself he would be denying the roserade of her nourishment.
Zara meets Octavius
Our first guest is octavius, the boisterous roserade from the first few chapters of further evolutions that didn't get nearly enough screen time as he should have, at least in my opinion x3.
The Legendary Aura Master series #3
Gardenia shouted, but roserade was unable to react on time, resulting in a critical hit that caused an explosion, this send roserade flying halfway across the battle field. when the dust cleared up, roserade was knocked out.
Rare Collector-Chapter 1-The Journey Begins
"roserade, finish it with magical leaf." roserade lifted its hands, as an enormous number of leaves materialized around it. it than lowered its hands, causing the leaves to shoot at commando, who was unable to move.