Sacrilege (Commission)

"i said you can touch, you sacrilegious slut, but you don't get to taste. not yet." a whine escaped her beak before she knew it. she didn't even try to take it back, her body becoming like jelly at his soft insulting laughter.

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Captain Earring: Chapter Three

I apologize for faro's sacrilegious behavior. i am his father. i should have been stricter." faro turned his eyes to the soil, not feeling he could look at his father anymore. "they killed him." "but you led him there in the first place!

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 25

But there was still a little part of him that felt like doing something so...homosexual during a time of prayer and worship would be sacrilegious, blasphemous. it just felt wrong to do.

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Hell Lands: In the beginning

He growled out through a sacrilegious grin and pulled a massive, many-tailed whip from his belt. "did you know, meat, that a soul can take oh so much more punishment than a body?"

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Hades and Philos: October

The mortals' celebrations, while not as obscene or sacrilegious as what the thracians performed in the hills for cotyttia--especially regarding how they viewed my marriage to philos--still

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Identity: Chapter One

Know much about fincher, but being a gay actor from ultra-liberal hollywood, he was almost certain to be an amendment 28 supporter - because being gay and being opposed to a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right of lgbt americans to marry would be sacrilegious

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Finding Himself

Most male lions really prized their manes, even treating it like a sort of status symbol, so some would consider what he had done sacrilegious!

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Pack Mentality - Chapter One

She hissed out the statement as though it was something utterly sacrilegious. admittedly, his situation was unique. he knew of wolves who had moved packs but only rarely had he heard whispers of a wolf staying out of pack all together. "yes."

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Sawyer's Log - Non's Downfall

Intelligence was regarded as the most powerful weapon one can wield, the "occult" which normal snakes thought they were simply religious nuts indulging themselves in sacrilegious teachings.

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 4 Part 2 of 2

Burning seemed sacrilegious, as did just leaving them to the weather and elements. in the end burying them seemed the least offensive option. blade laughed over and over about their dilemma, but neither cared.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 4

While horrifying and sacrilegious to invoke the actions of the ancient wars that ruined earth, the quick resolution of conflict and reduction of lives lost was the breaking point of the territories demanding the bare arms pact to be revoked and removed.

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