An Evertech Tale Chapter 25

He was sure that the steak was this scenario's gesture. he laid down on the couch, the only piece of furniture he was allowed on as a mutt and joined in on the conversation of what the next scenario could possibly be.

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Burdens - Chapter 139: Price

What was the worst case scenario in this situation? his heart sank a little the more he thought about it. the worst case scenario he could think of was them killing hunter off to regain the family's honor. he knew that was out of the question, though.

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Buttzy's special box (WIP)

Let me know if you think i should continue this scenario lol let me know if you think i should continue this scenario lol

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August 5: Candy Wars

#14 of morenatsu: my summer days in minasato okay, only two-thirds of this story followed the original scenario as the rest was already following a different scenario.


Feeding my Fursona RP

You can make up your own scenario too. smut and cursing is allowed, but not scat cuz its... gross.

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Fennix race sheet part 3 (reproduction)

The second scenario is quite different, and odd to say the least, it also the most common one. all females choose a mate, usually just one, and they mate multiple times during the mating season.

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The Fantasy Factory: Gracious

He'd been thinking about this scenario for a while since night scream started getting serious, and this roleplay scenario seemed like a good...warm up for how it might have to go.

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The Watcher

But, oh, if it wasn't at least primal, alluring to me, and those mindless strokes only make me imagine even more raunchy scenarios...

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Avery’s Awakening

Nuclear war, asteroids, emps, and zombies all sound like the most outlandish, worst case scenarios for an apocalypse. but on october 22nd of 2020, americans would find an even stranger, and more horrific scenario thrust upon them.

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A Lost Soul

At one time, i fantasized about the place, and all the what if scenarios. sheesh, man i was so impudent back then. then again, i guess everyone can be sometimes. so naïve i was. i was pretty much asking for it.

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