An unexpected twist.

It had been a few days since Belle had been attacked at the school library. She had been given two or three weeks to recover and heal from the attack, the school and most of the students sending her cards and flowers. Even with being sore and...

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 4

Battle of the Soon-To-Be Ex's "Okay, so let me get this straight Dad," Comet said as he was walking down the halls of the Sky Pillar, his voice raised more out of annoyance than anger, "Arceus, **_the Alpha Pokémon_** who basically created the...

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The Werewolf of Odessa - Chapter 2 - The Perfect Stalker

Anything stalker; just don't kill me, okay?" the stalker considered his options. lao was a bastard but he was convenient too.

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The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 7 - Reunion

The stalker knew this. the radio interference would end thirty minutes after the stalker left the aircraft.

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From below, he could hear stalker moan louder as the wolf focused the same low-level electricity he had focused on his hands on his cock for stalker to deal with.

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The Stalker (RP log)

This continues on for a few minutes until the stalker decides to advance to more damaging techniques. the stalker doesn't even break her stride as she moves to start trampling you.

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: A Fireside Conversation

._ _obviously, based on the excellent stalker games._ _~~~_ the fire crackled and popped, the orange glow fighting away the oppressive darkness of the warehouse shelter.

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Tension Chapter 6

He unbuttoned his pants still blushing furiously as stalker waited to find her prize. when his zipper was almost down he hesitated, getting annoyed stalker used her tail and claws to rip and tear his pants to shreds.

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Tension 2: Death's Reign of Terror

She went into the car second to last while mark, stalker, and the queen got into the final car. mark immediately grinned as stalker had some trouble with the seat harness.


Tension Chapter 7

He wondered if the fact was that he was with stalker was any outward indicator that he was destined to be with her. he no longer felt any of the stress that had plagued him before he met stalker.

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