Soul Shattered Chap. 2: The Trush Unveiled

Several hours passed by the time darren's parents, rose and nathan starling, got home. they walked into the foyer with exhausted expressions.

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Soul Shattered Chap. 4: Distraction

starling sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee.             "chris," mrs. starling asked. "where were you?"             "i want for a quick early morning jog." it wasn't a complete lie.             mrs.

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Coolin' Off After Work

"tough luck, garrun", the stallion named starl commented. the bull named garrun snorted and swiped the horse with his tail. starl yelped. "ey'! watch it!"

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Elanie and the Thing

The starling's and the robin's final flights to earth had brought the last of the needed supplies, as well as a few surprises.

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Pokemon D/P Journey to Jublife

"starly, the starling pokemon, starly flock in great numbers. they may be small, but they can flap their wings with great power." "alright chimchar, we have to catch this starly.


Buccaneers of Black Pond Chapter 2

Its engine hummed and carried over the trees, disturbing sleeping starlings into flight. 11. two minutes later and the vehicle was in reverse, leaving her nook behind the rust-chipped weather dome that he napped by.

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The wild Rose, chapter 2: Mutual understanding

Lily was starled! how could something that is used to create life, may also be used as a weapon? "what do you mean, weapon? how can it?" lily stood up slowly. tried to walk away but the sand made her fall down again.

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Buccaneers of Black Pond Chapter 4

The starling bounced from one end of the branch towards the tree trunk. mister young was asked if any tiger troopers visited their town in the olden times.

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Odd Coupling

He could even hear a starling, in the distance. he allowed himself a slight smirk for a moment, at the expense of the wolves who'd mocked him last fall. yeah, cerberi hibernated.

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Part II - Taking Care of Business

starling tried to chime in again. "but your honor ...!" the grizzled badger gritted his teeth, his dark eyes glowering. "ms. starling, will you approach the bench?"

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Vignette: Snow

Vicious winds were whipping snow all around, sometimes helter-skelter, sometimes in organized plumes that resembled starlings swarming in a cityscape. for brief moments, the wind would cease, with flakes hanging in confused, uncertain limbo.

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Part III – The New Addition

starling thrash against her bonds. her head snapped back and forth, the view apparently not to her liking.

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