Test Gone Wrong
He was trapped inside a bowl full of meat stew about to be consumed by a hungry charr. the charrs spoon returned to grab more hearty stew.
Chapter 53: The Only One Male Enough
At the moment, aros was kneeling near the fire, presiding over a rabbit stew that he had cooked for kilyan and himself.
ToFaN: Crystal Angel - Day 2: Storm
I thought we were having stew?" "we are," yahto responded as he stirred the stew with a ladle. "it's a special kind of stew."
Because not everything can be amazing...
And a thicker, dark stew.)
The Gift of a Stranger - Chapter 3
Kalya asked after another spoonful of stew. "she should be, yes, though i suspect she will suffer from headaches and occasional spells of dizziness over the next few days." he paused and spooned more stew into his mouth. kalya nodded.
Majorra Castle Short #4
Brynn rolls her eyes, before serving herself stew. ellis's face became a vibrant red. majorra sipped her stew slowly, eyes lingering upon the fidgeting pair, a grin of knowing upon her snout.
A Sanctuary in the Woods - Part 2: Company
Pale lumps of dough that was floating on top of the dark brown liquid of the stew. valentine looked at the contents, wrinkling her nose. "uh... what is it? i thought we were having stew?" "we are," yahto responded as he stirred the stew with a ladle.
Breakhorn Hunter II
It was bad enough that he'd fallen in a puddle of spilled stew, without also having to put up with the inevitable teasing and mocking he'd receive if they saw him with stew dirtying his head and neck.
Kira's Action
"hey kira, shouldn't you check on the stew?" "huh, okay." i said half-heartedly. _i must have zoned out._ i got to the kitchen and uncovered the pot. immediately i was hit with the smells of a fully cooked stew. my communicator went off.
Rabbit and the Completely Ordinary Day
"i suppose so..." he started, "we have carrots, potatoes, celery, spinach, and beans for a nice stew!" sock rolled his eyes from outside of rabbit's field of vision. stew again?
Secrets Ch. 4
It doesn't even taste like the same stew!" i can't help but chuckle. "well i hope not." i refill my bowl with the improved stew and take my seat at the table to eat.
The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 10: the Endless Road
I sit across from my uncle on a small wooden stool and with my spoon i take a quick taste of the stew. i almost fall backwards off my stool from the terrible taste. "what's in this stew?" my uncle looks up to me and starts to chuckle.