Barhop Blitz (Vore Story)
With the wet, sloppy noises of his own consumption surrounding him, matthias couldn't hear the unicorn's teasing, but that was more than okay for the unicorn.
The Power of Love: Preparation is the Key To Success (Part I)
Do that, unicorn! i command you to demonstrate your powers further!!" â the unicorn's head bowed once again, as both fane and minky watched.
Hooves in the city of Nodd...
The nightstallion smirked, slipping them onto the unicorn's head, watching as torvo began to panic looking around wildly. a pitiful sob escaping the trapped unicorn, as he relived everything that the zebracorn had done in his body.
Unicorns a brief history
The families that were faithful had tales of their own of the unicorn back in eden but man's memories are not as good and they unicorn became something of a myth no one ever sure that a unicorn ever existed.
Dancing with Unicorns (Citadel Truths - Eps 1)
"so you were forced to become a unicorn? why did you stay a unicorn?" edward inquires.
Amorous Aliases
She grinned, proudly pointing at herself and winking at the unicorn. cosmic giggled at this, turning her head towards the unicorn, a blush on her cheeks.
Demon fox... Enslaved Unicorn
Wanting to humiliate the mighty unicorn by having him enjoy getting raped, his goal was to make the unicorn cum. the feeling of his ravisher's hot breath on his back reminded the unicorn of what he himself sometimes did to mares as he rode them.
The story of Faeone (Thunder Prequel)
Why'd the unicorn save him?" "because faeone is a unicorn, and unicorns don't think, not even old ones," gulthar said. "they just react on their instincts.
The Mysterious Mare
A unicorn with a black mane? she'd never even heard of a unicorn like that before...
Unicorn Nightmare: The Capture
As her insides compressed they forced even more of the unicorns cum to flow out of her into the basin on the table.finally the unicorn withdrew his horn and left.
The 'Fate' of St. Ardyran
I saw unicorns who were as white as newfallen snow, i saw unicorns that were as brown as a mustang, and i saw black unicorns, too. their horns had their own diversity, too.
Unicorn Quest
The big orc sneered as he began to bind the handsome unicorn with a chunk of greasy cord. the big handsome unicorn stallion whinnied weakly, as that curse sealed away his own natural magical powers.