Final Preparations
She looked between tsumé and vinge, who had remained quiet thus far. pavan and lighris had not been able to make it to training yet that day. vinge stepped forward, about to volunteer, when korban spoke up first.
Chasing the Devil
Rachel looked at vinge. "to keep him out of it," she said bluntly. "me?" vinge asked.
Disruptors Part 3
vinge asked, focused on keeping his ice barrier up against the bullets pounding against it. "on it!" she agreed, jumping up and over vinge's ice wall.
Bounty Hunters pt 1
Volcan, lighris, vinge, tsume and devilshade are all property of myself.
"but you have been through a lot, vinge, and i was more than happy to help you.
Escape from Lycanthria
"volcan speaks the truth," stated vinge.
Disruptors Part 2
He hinted as he glanced at vinge and tsumé. "oh, i like this idea," said tsumé. "as do i," agreed vinge, already getting to work creating several ice spheres to carry out volcan's plan. "i-i can try."
Volcan and Tsume-Written version
"great; we were testing a new song that vinge made a few weeks ago," replied volcan. "he named it 'sonata of the north'." "reference to him, i'm betting?" asked tsume, remembering that vinge was an ice phoenix.
Os-Nadarra Prime Volume 3: Hunted
One vinge couldn't identify, with rusty red-brown feathers and amber-yellow eyes. he was lean, and vinge could imagine he was quick on his feet as avians went.
Os-Nadarra Prime Volume 2: Red Winter
vinge cast a glance at the butler. "it is, now," corrected vinge. "years ago, njall overthrew the high king and claimed lordship over ragnaross.
"next on the list is vinge, who i mentioned before. the smartest damn bird i ever met in my life; guy has a ridiculously high iq, and is a brilliant strategist.
The Lion, the Victor and the Bathrobe
"af-ter dri-ving one thou-sand miles turn right! af-ter dri-ving two hund-red yards turn left! you are at your desti-na-tion! please se-lect new way point. way point vic-tor's apart-ment set. dri-ve two mil-lion miles and turn left.