Welcome to the B.U.S.T. Club - Episode Seven
Yakko and wakko were the warner brothers and they had both been members of the b.u.s.t. club for years. they found the japanese city, made to be just like tokyo, was their new favorite setting.
Yakko Now Prefers Bigger Women
Dot and wakko were wondering around a different area of the forest and yakko was just having his head in the clouds as he imagined a lot of hot women in his head. "what i'd do to have a girl friend." said yakko blushing.
A Crappy Assignment
"do i look like wakko warner," asked mike chuckling to himself, "remember that episode? i think it was called...wait, did you hear that?"
Tales of the Twin Schools Chapter 8
Skye only knew their names because they were known pranksters around town, and they had pretty odd names by her standards, yakko, wakko, and dot.
Carrots and Curfews (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 4)
wakko warner. mr. prince arched an eye however. "what is so bad about wakko warner?" mighty mouse replied, "his bedside manner is... disturbing... um, yeah." all of the toon council repeated the last word. "yeah..."