Quieting The Virgin

"you're whiny, for starters," the kitsune replied. as she spoke, she lifted the tip of one of her nine tails to her torso and gently stroked over the end of the fur, as if it helped her to think of the reasons.

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Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 5

Division 1 wasn't about to give up on their mission objectives just because of some whiny idiots, especially since those bespoke whiny idiots often were the ones who had the most to gain from ragerian aide.

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Legend of Sceran - RP Starter

A young, whiny voice came from the fluffy ball of fur that was cuddled under the blankets.

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Jaws of Passion, Chapter 7

The slut made whiny, pleading moans that to zae, sounded like she was just begging for a taste of his masculine potion - and who was he to deny her? "hnn, aah!" he gasped, "s-so close!"

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A Quest For Freedom, Finale

"just keep eating, you whiny little **slut,**" albaz cheered exile on, for once, seeming to be the lesser of two evils.

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Weakest Link

"'i beg you to fuck me in the ass like i'm a whiny little bitch.' go on, say it." spark gritted his teeth and let out a soft growl. he closed his eyes and repeated, "i beg you to fuck me in the ass like i'm a whiny little bitch." "there we go!"

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 7

(holds up yet another newspaper with the front headlines: "local star of obscure late 2000's cartoon imprisoned thanks to riot of whiny cartoon fanboys lead by themysticalmrentrance") we gotta find out when and where this all started, and go back there to

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Soapy Eyes

Marcel stared at the six-foot dripping wet shiny black oryx antelope that stood in his kitchen and sounded like his whiny roommate. "um," he said. endf "soapy eyes" eulalie "nequ" quentin 2012 cc by-sa-nc

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 7

Even if he could somehow hold his breath the whole way to the station in one piece, a whiny cheetah was not going to appeal to anyone anyway. 'take it off, ben.

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Story 1

Steven said "well shit then private johns whiny don't you show us all how or be perfect military men, god knows you've been in since a little before january." i could say the same to you said brandon, why don't you wake me when you need me.


Story 1

Steven said "well shit then private johns whiny don't you show us all how or be perfect military men, god knows you've been in since a little before january." i could say the same to you said brandon, why don't you wake me when you need me.


Musk- A Sketch

So you'd rather go back to being a whiny bitch whenever i play league, huh? you were the one that always wanted to do something," james said, sticking his tongue out, knowing he had caught the dog's bluff.

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