The hyena there was by far the most vocal, neatly dressed with a green-dyed mane styled up between his ears. on his left, closest to me, sat a coyote in a black and purple university jacket.
A Whole New World
The girlish yeen shut his eyes, breathed out once, twice, and almost dove in after the other yeen. "fuck, jaaeke!" rhentin snapped, pushing jaaeke off him. "sorry, i just didn't want to-" "aw, shut it. you're fine, alright?"
Joining the Vermintide (Parts 1 - 3.5!)
The luminous green tokens skittered across the scarred surface of the reclaimed writing desk, cast down contemptuously by the enraged Grey Seer Setkith, verminous fangs bruxing between words, "Maggot-brained man-things no pay-pay even half!" the...
Space Chaste!
Elias breathed a sigh of relief. After six long months of being away from home, he was doing his final preflight checks on the spacecraft that would take him home. The giraffe checked the usual boxes on his wad of forms. He had to submit the white...
The drive-up was nice. I rode shotgun in Brent's white pickup. I lied and said I wasn't sure if my tiny sedan would make it off-road. I had traveled through the area before, every year. Our little group has made this trip annually since high school. I...
The yeen and the pocketwatch - 3. A blank Slate
#3 of the yeen and the pocketwatch a sequel to my "pocketwatch" and "snap" prompts for zonktober, which features fauxpawe 's hyena-boy slate and my alligator xavier!
The yeen and the pocketwatch - 2. A skeptic's performance
The hyena opened his mouth several times, then closed it again. "wow," the raccoon murmured.
The yeen and the pocketwatch - 1. A skeptic's way
#1 of the yeen and the pocketwatch this is the "pocketwatch" entry i wrote for zonktober!
Come Inside
hyenas are, after all, scavengers, and the most egregious kind of cannibals.
Fox out of Water
hyena batted another over to him. "_stupid mice. hardly worth ..._" and hyena batted a third and fourth over to francis, shaking his head. "_tasty, though._" "_tasty?_" hyena giggled.
Someone to share his bed with
Jack asked the hyena who was as dumbfounded as he was. "yeah!" the hyena replied sitting down opposite to the badger. the hyena was as pleased with badger as he was with him.
Circle of Lust 4b (WITH IMAGES)
After catching his breath, the black splotched hyena glanced back at the other hyena who had followed him out of the crowd. he nodded to him. the other hyena grinned and nodded back.