
Most homes have at least one pokémon, something like a meowth or a poochyena, as a pet. we didn't have one because dad was allergic. i had tried to keep a caterpie once, in a box in the closet... but it kind of chewed its way out and mom... found it.

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Affections- Chapter 4 - A Sublime Visage.

_so it's not a flower, it's called a pussy, but it doesn't look like a meowth. it's a nice kitty name though._ this was completely silly although adorably kinda cute, she thought. "we need to discuss something.

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Chapter 1: My journey gets off to a late start

I blinked and flame grinned then said "what meowth got your toung?" i shook my head then popped my neck. flame's voice was most definently masculine. he glanced at me and said "something going on in your mind my friend?"

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Chapter One

"meowth and a houndour." i heard him shift in his chair, the wood of it creaking with his movement. "did you care for them primarily?" "mainly... my sister helped on occasion but i was the one who did the training and grooming." "oh?"

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PMD: Chapter 3

Besides, my training team back home was me and two meowths, both of them together couldn't have moved that ball."


Brushwork, Horny Brushwork

Zazz looked nervous as rainer stepped in closer, pressing against him from behind and purring like a meowth in his ear. "you know, i followed you because i thought you were cute." "that so?" zazz squirmed more as sherlock continued spreading his legs.

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 165

As small golden coins, like those seen on a meowth's forehead, began rapidly trailing along each glistening path from throughout ureaxion, they met together at the temple's location making its marker glow brighter than the rest.

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The Zoruas

Instead, he was just real lazy, malachi reminded tristan of a meowth, just lounging about in the sun as much as he did. he sat up with a start, causing the zorua to look up, his bright, nearly sapphire blue eyes glinting in the sunlight.

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Untouched Sands

.\* she sped out the door, nearly knocking over the meowth from before as she made her egress. \* \* \* a few specs of sand wiped across my face as my flygon flew out the door, a pained expression on her face.

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The Most Elusive Game

The two played a game very similar to the one he did with the humans; shifting back and forth, eying the other party suspiciously as a meowth with a hoard of treasure, looking for an opening without allowing the other to have one of their own.

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Chapter Three - Dallas Takes Charge

But the most i've eaten was a bag of pokechow, um, another bag of pokechow, a vulpix, a charmeleon, a meowth, and a human." she said as she smiled, wagging her tail. "and i was still hungry." "um... that's insane... where does it all go?"

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A very pent up Snivy

She sniffed, her trained senses discarding the stench of cocks and cum stuck to her scales like glue, focusing on that musky reek like a laser guided meowth onto a pile of gold. "grass type..."

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