Regret Chapter 13

Fox followed her into that hall then they stopped at an intersection; she sensed his thoughts - she had to agree, the corridor appeared like some sort of fantasy alien spacecraft. "to the right is where i met andross for the second time.

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 1

I was halfway across the world in the middle of the ocean, floating on the debris of an alien spacecraft with little green, furless men _still_ trying to probe me even after i destroyed their mothership. no joke.

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Space Invaders II: The Final Invasion

A massive alien spacecraft descended from the darkness above, probably the mother ship. incredible lights illumined the entire lake. the three smaller vessels approached, circling around alexei and kaelin. "jesus christ..."

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A Warm Welcome Party

Thank goodness this mysterious alien spacecraft had saved the crew... a small victory, but one nonetheless.

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Commission: Shooting Stars

But how exactly do you cover 'crashed alien spacecraft' as part of your insurance claim. at least... the conspiracy theorist in him was running wild about crashed alien ships. except... he reached into his pocket.

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And Escape His Nightmare 1 - By The Ruby in the Swamp

"yer lahk a loose piece'a metal floatin' away down a stream in a forest, or a piece'a alien spacecraft done landin' in thuh desert despite no one ever seein' it, or a code'a numbers that don' make any sense jus' hidin

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The Breeder

It was almost impossible to believe i was on a huge alien spacecraft, and i was being hunted in a jungle that looked 100% real, because it was. it was an exact recreation of the slishish home world.

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My Sword, My Clan 01 - My First Mark

Passing from the stone hallway he saw a rather tilted circular room resembling the bridge of a ship, with seats and ancient-looking panels almost as if it were some sort of alien spacecraft as he tapped on the metal.

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The Strange Curse

She was just about to question mina when she was put down, belly first, on her hands and knees, straddling the stairs as mina leaned down over top of her like some giant alien spacecraft about to attack the earth.

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Despite jake's long list of impressive skills, i somehow doubted flying was one of them, much less flying alien spacecrafts.

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