Welcome To College Chapter 7.txt

The arctic fox, my arctic fox, is pressed up against the wall, surrounded by three of my teammates. simmons is one of them. "what kind of business could you possibly have with kale?"

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I Saw and Believed

I could say fate brought my father, an arctic fox, a rather gorgeous arctic fox if i do say so myself, and my mother, a beautiful ermine, together, but that wouldn't do either of them justice.

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The Temptation of Jinx

As taciturn as ever, the black-striped arctic wolf-shark stalked off in the direction of the living room, seemingly unaffected by the alcohol he had guzzled down.

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Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 5: Confrontation

The arctic wolf then looked back at tsing-tao. "when are they going to attempt to pull this off?" "tonight, apparently.

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The Hesitant Donor

"well, my name is matt," he continued, looking at the arctic fox hybrid. he scanned him from top to bottom, and _again_, for the second time today, someone was staring at his crotch. cade watched a grin spread across his broad muzzle.

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Sapient Genus Species

.) ##### mammals - mammalanro - mammalia aardvark - orycteropanro - orycteropus alpaca - pacanro - vicugna pacos anteater - vermilinguanro - vermilingua arctic fox - alopanro - alopine armadillo - dasypodanro - dasypodidae badger - melinanro -

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The thing is just a rehashed hybrid car, it's not the way of the future.

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I'm Here For You

I think he said he was an arctic fox/husky hybrid or something. i don't remember, but his fur is snow white. there's been rumors going around the school that he's gay. i don't know who started them, but i don't really care.

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Home sweet....castle...why is it empty?

As always, credit goes to skywing and kane shadow wolf as well. as they walked up to the gate, an arctic fox guard wearing full armor and carrying a spear in his paw looked at them. recognizing the lord, he smiled and greeted him.

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Chapter 8 (Todd)

One is an arctic fox with highlights. one is a fox/husky hybrid. one is a wolf. lisa. ashleigh. lori.

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Infamy - Prologue

Brett's character was a venomancer, a half fox half human hybrid. only the fox ears and fox tail resembled any hint of beast within the venomancer class. she had red eyes that were very small and far apart from each other.

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Sleeping With The Enemy - Raining Human

Up the street doesn't know he exists" jord smiled and he dropped the cake pieces in the bin "oh you mean that arctic fox/ german shepherd hybrid that runs the 'toy' store" i chuckled and placed the rest of the mashed cake in the bin as well while jord lifted

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