Watering the Cactus: A Trenderburn Clopfic

On one hoof, it had been a long ass time since he had been with a stallion. on the other, he just met this guy, isn't it too soon?

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In the dog house Pt. 2

But still his own cock was left alone, all of the clients were simply interested in his mouth or ass.

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A Big Bad Wolf in sheeps clotheing prt. 1

They kissed for 10 minutes (with the lack of a prybar it took him a long ass time to get her off xd) and then they parted their lips and meg held herslef on vince.

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Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 1-First Mission

" "30 hours is a long ass time." a white,red and blue dragon said laying his head between his paws. "yeah",another huge,brown one said,,"welcome back to service huh shadow?"

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Unintended Intruder - 12

The clock took it's sweet-ass time rounding about to 5pm, but when it did... he hit the door running. the night greeted him with a crisp, coolness which renewed his vigor.

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Last One Out v.3

Meanwhile mack was taking his sweet ass time. he stopped at 90 yards to take a piss. sierra watches as the wolf gets up and moves behind a tree. "shit, we may have a problem". jenkins looks at sierra. "what?"

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Unintended Intruder - 09

The clock took its sweet-ass time rounding about to 5pm, but when it did ... he hit the door running.the night greeted him with a crisp, coolness which renewed his vigor.

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The Quest

"well if you didn't take your sweet ass time i wouldn't have had to to that." zerato's tail lashed around then one of the three cleared his voice. "ahem..

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Protect me from the Storm!

Once more he pulled out, this time his hips moved faster as he pushed back in, letting his plump orbs slap up along the buizel's ass. "time for a proper breeding." skidden was left gasping out for air with each thrust.

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More than what meets the eye

"such a nice, tight ass time to tear it up." said beast boy as he gripped the villain's hips and started pounding into him. slade was starting to drool as his sweet was found.

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Big Mares Don't Need You

And left me behind." time dutifully marched by. neither pony moved except for another muscle spasm in steam's back that needed every ounce of his willpower not to let her see. he would not show her weakness.

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Forced Slavery: Coliseum

It was like a horrible and incredibly strong aching pulse that just lingers there for a long ass time. achak pulled out a little and pushed in again.** **by the time yrel had finished yelling her voice was so hoarse she could barely speak.

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