The Loving Godfather

Wanting to make sure that the brain surgery was a complete success, the doctor pressed on, even has his body felt like the lion was trying to fuck it across the padded table.

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Scene I: To Commence (Starfox)

It was something about him that, juxtaposed with his playful quip and his politeness, clashed and by its very nature was magnetically repulsive, like roadkill and brain surgery.

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Not According to Plan (A2,B3,C8)

I'm not sure if he performed a brain surgery or if he put the brain of krys monroe into a computer chip made of flesh, then downloaded some of her memories and thoughts to the clone. i would be curious about the interface from computer to brain."

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Chapter I - Schism

Butcher says, "we're considering brain surgery as an alternative to medication." dr. chandrasekhar just nods and closes his eyes, but gordon looks miffed at being cut off verbally. "not a lobotomy or anything, of course," dr. butcher continues.

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Night is the Time for Killing

_a brain surgery?_the face of the patient was gaunt and his cheeks were hollow and sported several days worth of stubble growth. _this must be one of the charity operations that made gill so popular_.

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Bug Report

I'm not licenced for synth brain surgery." aj put his hand over his forehead unsure how to feel or what to say.

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I'm Mew to This

._ robyn gave her the full story, from going to osage's lab to performing brain surgery. she apologized for having gone behind koa's back and doing all of those things.

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I'm Mew to This

._ robyn gave her the full story, from going to osage's lab to performing brain surgery. she apologized for having gone behind koa's back and doing all of those things.

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Boris' cubs 1

"i have been further educated and i have had brain surgery to correct damage from an injury" he says. it's as if he guessed what i was thinking. i cry.

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Dare Day

"oh please, it's not brain sur...well, okay it's actually pretty close to brain surgery. still, all the more reason to shut up until i'm done in here." myu squished a few things and pushed her hand through jeremy's head.

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A Special Gift

I'd imagine you have, given how much you research everything, but if you haven't... it's a way of performing brain surgery without having to cut into a patient. that's what's up with cleo.

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