Fear Pitch Black: Typhlotic

She was in a room in a dark swamp pool filled with blood and dead sea ponies. sealight had a hook in its eye, "who are you? are you the one that killed me?" as her eyes colors started to fade away.

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The news camera showed more boats that had run aground, but strangely absent were the strange dead sea creatures rin and tasha had seen on the beach that first day.

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Tomb raiding

This is the famous dead sea tupperware. listen!" the camel spoke with a note of awe and mystery, raising the container to his ear where he opened one corner of it a few times, making squeaky sounds out of the corner of his mouth. "ah, still good!

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Guardian Blue: Thanks for the Fox - Chapter 5

The vixen laughed as judy gave the dead sea-bugs the stink-eye. the doe snapped out of it and chuckled at that, having not realized that she was being so obvious about her feelings toward the food.

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Twee Sitting

. > > parting the dead sea on the bathroom floor with her paws, she excavated ancient aspirin from an ossuarial medicine cabinet.

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All in the Mind

Be it the norse rune stones in scandinavia or the dead sea scrolls, he was interested in it. he spoke three languages and went swimming every wednesday evening.

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Platform Zero IV

They were both adrift in a dead sea and tyson was no longer a sailing ship on the waters but a struggling survivor just like himself. they were both victims of the wilderness, with no options left available. "we should head back..."

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It's salt from the dead sea. but you won't be able to cross the line either. i probably should have started using that when i grounded you, huh?" chris's father said with a weak smile. chris's eyes widened even more.

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Fun At Stud

As my books were stolen and then placed into the cafeteria dishwasher making the crimp and curdle into something looking more like the dead sea scrolls.

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A Change In The Wind (Act1, Book2, Chapter13)

I'm not sure if he's the same as the the biblical demon, nor the watchers mentioned in the dead sea scrolls. i have no idea if he's a jinn, either." "can he help us, karla?" "i haven't seen daddy-dearest in quite some time.

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The Dream That Turned Real, Part 2

Next to the box of soap was a jar of what looked to be exfoliating dead sea salt scrub. i replaced the soap in exchange for the jar of scrub. the line on the bottom said 'you'll feel transformed!'. i debated on what to use, salt scrub or soap.

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Brute Force: Identity Theft

"_ "i'm pretty sure a dead sea otter will be worth it." he lined his shot back up, sweeping the rifle barrel across the surface of the pool. "geez, how long is she going to stay down there...?"

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