The Morning After

I am not an oregon resident, so i can't take you on as a foster child. i would have to adopt you. once that is done, there is no going back." lilly was amazed by the shocked look in cecily's eyes.

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Binary Genetics - Chapter 1 (Revised Update)

Dan plover the foster child had learned to not waste food, and popped it into his mouth. it didn't taste quite right, slightly metallic... the world spun.

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Miseries Fosterchild

Miseries foster child. chapter one. story by snudur. note: this is a first instalment in a new series and the second chapter is being worked on as we speak.

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F Kangaskhan x F Nidoqueen

Kangaskhan's eyes rolled up as she came at the same time, sealing her decision as she was now probably pregnant with nidoqueen and nidoking's future foster child.

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A Means to an End

After all, i was just the worthless foster kid. he had no face to lose in front of me. "they were all over each other. kissing and everything. the solicitor and his barrister with me noticed, and they knew dad, and mum.

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Inkerman Street - Part 1

Around the corner from where i get my coffee and baguettes on a sunday morning, is the spot i also went with a friend as a foster kid years ago to make money for us both.

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Dispatches II

Parker's history as an orphan and foster child may have some bearing upon his current mental status, and it would be remiss of me if i were not to seek deeply into his past in order to help him in the present... quite sincerely yours, dr.

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Video Nasty - New Brother Chapter III

So just your average foster kid then?" "nothing average about this pony trust me. hey, speaking of which, you can judge for yourself. be warned, it's pretty hot."

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A New Brother- Part 5

"because i'm a foster kid?" max looked away. to the fox, what max meant hurt him deeply. as soon as he got off the bed, a sudden burst of anger swelled up inside the fox. grabbing max, jamie forced the feline to look at him. "listen!

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Puberty Sucks a Second Time As Well

Unfortunately, i brought it back with me, after that pair of parents didn't want me anymore for stinking so badly, and i got caught in the act by another foster kid.

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Set Me Free ch 1

I grew up at an orphanage, then got placed with him as a foster child. when he adopted me... it was the happiest day of my life." "i have to ask this, florian. did he abuse you?" "no! never! he never did anything to hurt me!"

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It's not like he'd had a lifetime of experience with love, after all; he owned the whole foster kid portfolio, feeling like another nobody, no one of consequence, no one to be considered...

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