Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 30

He could feel the fur on his arms and legs singe and curl, the smell of it just like garten on his funeral pyre. he was being stabbed by an infinite number of daggers, so bright they were practically invisible.

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Wide Open World Chapter 5: Northbound

We have some funeral pyres to make. raiders or not, can't just leave them lying for the crows." "...yes, sir." right it might be, but this was just another delay. yet, chivalry demanded. he sighed, standing up and helping to gather the bodies together.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 24

She looked out the window and could see beyond the city walls, along the edge of the cliff, the acolytes working on a funeral pyre.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 18

These wolves weren't even given a proper funeral pyre, but just dumped in the woods for the wild animals to feast upon.

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The Magic Academy - Prologue

Several nights pass, before the students return to their damaged academy, and realize the pain endured. 17 wrapped bodies lay atop a funeral pyre. leaving rebecca to send them off. "forgive me, students, professors.. i..

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The World We Live In: Chapter 26 (End of Arc II)

They rode away in the night, and the illumination provided to them were the funeral pyres of those who had fallen in the fight. seeing them made them sad, knowing of their role in creating this much sadness.

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The knights of juno, prelude to war, Part Two

Argil nodded, looking over at his mate, who lay down a distance away, morosely watching the funeral pyre. "i need you to check my reasoning on what has happened." the dragon looked over at him and the knight continued.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 18

These wolves weren't even given a proper funeral pyre, but just dumped in the woods for the wild animals to feast upon.

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Albion chapter 6

The smoke from ten identical funeral pyres rose up and up, into the cool morning air. high above, in the sky, the sun slid gracefully behind a cloud, as if to impart a sense of gloom on what was happening far below.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 30

He could feel the fur on his arms and legs singe and curl, the smell of it just like garten on his funeral pyre. he was being stabbed by an infinite number of daggers, so bright they were practically invisible.

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Split Of Fate - II - The Dragon’s Funeral

The funeral pyre burned brightly. the wood crackled. the wind that carried the wings of his spirit carried smoke to the west.

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