Anything Dragons Story 2: A Writer's Plaything

The last thing he wanted to do was miss something, to break this magical experience, so he kept looking, even as his balls felt like they were swelling to bulge the front of his pants.

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Stray, chapter 6

Steve started to show up occasionally to take wise off for brief periods for magical experiments or other duties, but we still had time to practice magic together, and i learned how to cast "detect magic", a very useful cantrip.

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Trixie's Great and Powerful Feet

**trixie's great and powerful feet** in the days since a magical experiment joined the lands of equestria with the human world, things had changed greatly for the ponies that called the magical land home.

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Stray, chapter 5

Then they made small talk for a half an hour, mostly talking about money tom could win at dog shows, and steve saying he needed me for magic experiments. the big gray wolf with the amber eyes watched me the whole time.

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They all assumed she was conducting magical experiments on them. whatever she was doing, it had to be stopped, which is why they hired the heroes of my story.

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Candy Fiend Showdown

"as was any positive magical experience." the cat looked thoughtful. "this fiend... he's gone overboard. this is simply beyond generating enough fear to sustain itself, it's causing chaos and ruining the night." "i see..." snowheart replied.

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The Finer Side of Filth

It was a magical experience, though anything far from romantic.

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Well, there was no longer any such thing as the dragon university, it being demolished as a result of a claimed magical experiment that not only caused the deaths of thousands of dragons and other creatures besides, but had created a rift in usual reality.

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Stray, chapter 2

It would have been an extremely magical experience if i wasn't being pursued by a big male dog intent on impregnating me....

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Argonian Attraction - Ch. 1

Vesurus had to explain that solea was out on personal leave and that he had no magical experience himself.

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Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 2

_'okay, no big magical experiments right now. my mind might be making this new body stay alive, but the brain is still injured. i still need the bed rest, so going back to sleep should help that, and my headache.

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The Bandit, The Khajiit Wizard, The Mysterious Stranger and the Secret of Life. Aka The Journal of The Infamous Mad Cheese Cat of Skyrim

Test subject suffered no ill effect but remained immune to mind magic. experiment is a failure also, potion was too far diluted to have any effect. this is going to be harder then j'sker thought.

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