Open Content Story: Fucked Flight

fucked flight for bbbuuu by draconicon "i have to what?!" falco couldn't believe his ears, even with all the shit that he and fox had just gone through. it had to be a sick joke, it just had to be.

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Guardians: Chapter Seven

He flipped through the pages until he came to a piece of tribal style artwork or a phoenix and dragon entwined in a mating flight, "this is the symbol of the redeemer correct?" "yup." vance grinned, "took me forever to draw all the symbols up.

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Dragon riddle part 2

Not as in, a mating flight, but as a double being, double the number of limbs, and everything. -and you no doubt know how i keep other dragons away from this "lair" or mine? - asked riy, ignoring the human's question.

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A Dull Dragon - 5

It smelled remeniscent of something i had noticed before, from other dragons who had just come back from a mating flight. but this was a much more powerful, far more immediate smell. i moved my head closer to the puddle, and sniffed at it.

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Lori Pathen 2 - Never Disrespect a Griffon

#2 of lori pathen grion ended the mating flight on the landing ledge outside his mountain cave. after pulling out of his concubine they engaged in some mutual licking, cleaning, petting and kissing.

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 12-13

Amber and he had spent the last four nights cavorting in the lake in parodies of mating flights that made him use muscles in places he had never used before.

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Tales of a changed Earth 9

The wolf looked at his mother rynn knowing that there is only one male gold dragon that will be part of a mating flight and that was him. he, samson and ryost his father are the only male gold dragons.

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Dragon Essence

They shined dark and resplendent, with an inner radiance instead of mere reflection, sleek and feminine, graceful and bespeaking great agility in the air... in the mating flight. tonight however, the dragoness had more urgent needs.

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Sasha's Story: The Visitor

She never thought she would mate or become mated after what happened with her father, but here she was, making the beginnings of a mating flight. bakkaran was not far behind her, and she beat her wings faster to climb higher, and he followed.

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Tales of a changed Earth 8

John watched as rynn talked to samson who leaned back on his chair putting a hand on his head, "he's taking it well, as you just guessed; sandra is doing a mating flight. i wonder who gets to catch her."

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A Dragonrider's Ride

Kanith breached a mental barrier normally only crossed during dragons' mating flights. millions of years of draconic ancestry overpowered his sentience.

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