Tender Secrets

Noah's heart raced as he ate his breakfast, the young wolf, just 22 absently slurping down cereal, his eyes glued to his mother's rump as she worked away in the kitchen. Noah was toned and fit, hair short and black, usually flat but had the tendency to...

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A Quick Buck

I pounded my head on the desk. My account was nearly dry. I had been working all summer, but between gas and helping Mom out at home, my funds had not really had the chance to grow. The plan had been that I would go to school and finish up my creative...

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We Love You Mom!

We Love You Mom! Swiss Mix - A DarkPaw Productions Video By DoggyStyle57, June 2015 Note: This is a porn DVD that was produced starring characters in my Swiss Mix story. I am presenting it here as you would experience it if buying and watching the...

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Happy Mother's Day!

In order to celebrate the occasion, I decided I would make a quick and unedited quick type of an event I had in my head a couple times before regarding my world setting. Enjoy. Also, if you have questions about my prewriting, it is better to ask than...

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Make A Woman Out Of Me

Amanda chuckled to herself as she lifted a small pawful of popcorn to her mouth. Spread out on a recliner by the couch, she tuned in to a mildly amusing romantic comedy. The youthful mare was approaching forty, but she looked no older than thirty. ...

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A Slightly Different Furry High School: A Mother and Son Moment

Title: A Slightly Different Furry High School - A Mother and Son Moment Author: The Roz Wolf Rating: R, for language, nudity and sexual situations. Disclaimer: All characters belong to me, so no touchie! Personal Notes: Thanks to the artist...

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Ewe Gnawty Boy

Ewe Gnawty Boy "Oh, darling." The ewe looked at herself in the mirror as she stepped from her shower. She giggled sweetly to herself. She felt her round breasts. She squeezed her fat nipples and cooed as white droplets of her milk stained her...

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Mother's Day

"They'll be about thirty minutes." A blond horse said as he sat at the table. In his forty-something years of life, Jason had lost most of his figure. Where once his equine body was taut and strong, it was now soft and pudgy. He didn't mind all too...

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Ewe Gnawty Boy: Chuy's Mom

Chuy's Mom "5 'o clock! WAKE UP!" The beaver woman woke up when she heard the guard. "Inmate Rodriguez!" The woman glared at the prison guard, "I have a name, Connie!" The rottweiler guard shook her head then struck the bars. "Get up,...

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Nick Wilde and his Mother

[Age 9] Young Nicholas Wilde walked into his house crying. The Junior Ranger Scouts not only rejected him, but bullied him. His dream got shattered, and he didn't know what to do but keep crying. Nick's mother in the other room heard the cries of her...

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Dragon Goes Mating

"Letty! Someone's at the door." Dearia tells me as he passed by my bedroom door. "Who is it?" I ask, coming out of my bedroom, watching him head down to his own. "I have no idea, but they're a dragon." "A... d-dragon..." This makes me gulp softly,...

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The Monster Lies Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Maka awoke groggily from her slumber. The slightly damp stone of her den felt rather chilly under her cushy paw pads. It hadn't always been such, when Han pressed his warm, larger body against her. Back then, it felt as if the stone...

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