She'll Change Her Mind

He slowly takes one of his paws and places them at her maw, his fingers prodding at her muzz. "open up for daddy." it couldn't be seen, but the heat radiating from her cheeks showed she was blushing completely red beneath the fur.

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fingers slowly massaged the fox's throat to encourage him to swallow, soft pads large enough to enfold his windpipe applying the barest pressure.

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Lover's Night

star's fingers roamed slowly over hir labia and beginning of hir vagina, shi gave hir warm member a few moments more suckling, drawing back slowly and placing a kiss in it's still throbbing tip with a warm smile.

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Because You're More Than A Friend

my fingers dug into the carpeted floor under me while i let out a long moan, throwing my head back down. i could feel gilbert lapping greedily at my precum as it spurt into his maw. "gilbert..."

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Incestuous Pride #2

With a movement forward, she took no time in wrapping her fathers cock's tip with her lips, pushing and guiding him up into her maw, her fingers moving up to cradle his sack, tongue briefly flicking out to taste along the underside of his length, dragging

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Imprisoned in Limbo

The rhino guard smirked and pushed his finger into the hole of the muzzle and into the wolf's mouth, fingering it like it was a pussy. decro drew his tongue back in and squirmed in embarrassment as he felt the guard rape his mouth with his finger.

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Hypnovember - Day 5: Eyes

the fingers squeezed the tip hard. it got a short howl out of it. the pleasure was already running through his body in quick and strong waves. "japts?!" the dragon replied, eyes wide open. "w-wait... how did you-?"

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 5

Her mouth, fingers and toes were aching and her muscles felt like they had run a marathon. to top it off, it felt like her bladder was about to burst. forcing herself out of bed, she hastily donned her robe.

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Loophole Chapter 3: Professor's Prerogative

The fox was yipping and yapping in pain as the fox stuck his hand in the dragon's maw and fingered it roughly, occasionally slapping the fox's protruding balls when he needed him to tighten up.

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The Thieves Quarry PT.2 (In Progress)

"you are something intriguing and different, yuki...." he paused, letting a paw caress around her sharp jawline, along her maw, his fingers cupping the end of it with a certain tenderness, "i wonder what secrets you hide beneath your leather....i desire to

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Dragon Dungeon: Zavis and Draconicon

He grinned around the shaft in his mouth, finger-fucking that hole hard. he felt it twitch and shudder beneath his finger, clenching down weakly. taking advantage of the dragon's shock, he pulled his mouth back, coughed, and smirked.

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Meat in the Middle

then fingers picked at his member, parts unscrewed from one another until the wand was dismantled into two parts.

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