Born from the Ashes - Prologue

Because the draconids have partially human dna, they are able to mate themselves with humans and even have a progeny. these interspecies relationships aren't as scarce, like five hundred years ago.

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Spring in My Step: Chapter 14

Being partially human, even in the slightest, one could barely tell he'ki was anything but a rabbit. but underneath that soft fur on her chest lay two supple and soft breasts with nipples as erect as i was.

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Vivian's New Pet, A Tale of Erotic Horror

Most of her 'pets' retained at least partially human features, or were an easily recognizable animal, this was, was, well, different.

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Kate and the Monsters, P5: The Fellow Amphibian

Carra turned around and squatted atop kate's snout, her huge, muscled green thighs and soft, jade hued, partially human pussy filling her vision.

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Havana or Hell, part three

While the rest of the pieces were standard army soldiers and tanks, this one was only partially human, with a set of demonic horns growing from a leonine head.

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A Feathered Wit

At least you'll be normal as a blue jay, not some kind of partially human monster. the raven snaps with one of his toes, completing the spell.

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Bane. Chapter 1: Aftermath

He ate a bit of vegetables though because he's partially human. well, having dinner with a humanoid shark really sounds weird but he's a very polite gentleman -or a 'gentle shark', i guess. "i am very surprised to your reactions when you saw my face.

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The Heat Of Battle, The Heat Of Passion

Shu had been having some second thoughts about this; she was at least partially human, after all. would it be alright for him to try and fight, maybe even capture izuna?

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I only dream in black and white

I didn't want to be a fish; i wasn't sure how a partially human brain would adapt to a fish's electromagnetic senses, or how easily i'd be able to interpret my surroundings.

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Back to the Mountains 2

"same here" said carlos "it makes me feel weird" "i know," i told them, "but we're lucky to be partially humans, otherwise we couldn't stand it at all" peter and the rest arrived the room. "what is it?"

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Though the Mirror

In short he looked like a rabbit, a partially human rabbit! he had dark grey and white fur, and some of the others who had serviced her were different colors such as spotted white or even solid black.

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Encounters of the Nth kind - Chapter 2

"i am partially human. it is within our genetic coding. we thought it amusing that our sexual organs should be hidden by coverings that resemble often hidden human sexual organs. is this not ironic and amusing? we sometimes misunderstand irony."

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