The Taste of Terror Chapter 3: Mind Over Murder

Contains: gryphon/griffon/griffin, arctic fox, anthro, furry, soft vore, swallowing, unwilling, emotional and physical torture, blood the taste of terror chapter 3: mind over murder he's so beautiful.

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Playing God: A Prologue Of Sorts: Born In Sin

Contains: anthro emotional abuse furry insane knives lynx m/f m/m murderer non-vore physical torture psychopath horse sadistic twist wolf child abuse dark non-sexual playing god a prologue of sorts: born in sin _(excerpted from the case notes of dr fabian

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Triad's Sci-Fi Furry Book Chapter Three (Draft)

The rest were captured and imprisoned, where they were tortured using an illegal method of information extraction involving isolation, physical torture, psychological torture, and dosing of a wide variety of harmful mind altering drugs.

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In Utter Darkness: Chapter 6: Acceptable Losses

Janko looked the same and told him, "i was spentaz, our training consisted of physical torture but we were never trained to do it to anyone else. even as a shadowblade i haven't tortured anyone, my duties are observation and assassination."

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Further Adapting

It was a sordid tale - he had been abused in many ways under a ghastly trainer, including rampant sexual abuse and physical torture that had left him near death.

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Be-Were in the Air

If maggie had been a real dog, it would have already expired from fright and the physical torture it would have been taking. the same if it had been a female human, no matter the size of age. but maggie was both and neither.                

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Two against the world

physical torture. lot of it. sooo-""well i would be lying if i said that i did not have a small chat with the higher figures about giving you a day off." judy smiled to nick who smiled back."

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CH8 The Long Road Ahead...

"so, is this where the physical torture begins?" lord aster's expression looked as if he were scrutinizing a glass of fine wine.

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Tonight he will attend to you personally, seeing that physical torture has failed. perhaps magickal torture will loosen your tongue," one of the officers said. the very mention of helios made jaren's eyes widen. so he had finally arrived.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 26)

That was the only time i have been thankful for the death of another animal; thankful for the cessation of unbearable physical torture. thankful for the release from suffering that death had brought.

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Falling Out and Falling In 2

That said, most wild animals that had faced the mental torment and physical torture that those deathclaws had endured would have been long-since cowed into full and total obedience. fear would have dominated them. not these creatures. not here.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 20

physical torture was probably nothing compared to the mental agony, how flare managed to survive without a mental breakdown was beyond him.

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