Family Ties

And it used a quantum-entangled remote so it wouldn't be traceable in any way. when he was done de natalie injected kelner with a syringe of the hacked microbots that killed him later."

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He knew from experience that all infiltration vessels used quantum entanglement communicators and he could use the one on the undying to call the ueg and fulfill his contractional obligations, thus granting him his freedom.   

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Stellar Dreams, Chapter 1

Tiny, passive sensor packages with big engines able to take up station and hold position while a quantum entangled system kept them in contact instantaneously with a receiver.

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Stellar Dreams Chapter 8

"the humans combined the quantum entanglement communication technology your people sold them, with this new technology.

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The Patchwork Soldier Part 1

Their latest projects included: antimatter and plasma cannons, quantum entanglement comm systems, and, she said with a slight pause, genetic engineering. i was to be the first in a line of genetically engineered supersoldiers.

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Dog Backwards is God: The Transformation

My heart's center is invulnerable because it is quantumly entangled with this one other being and i can always, always, always retreat to her to find the feeling of our infinity within myself if i truly needed to do so; she is just as a forever-connected

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Always Available

The taste of a musky hard cock on his hungry tongue made it easy for renault to stop thinking of quantum entanglement.

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Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 10

The long range comms use the quantum entanglement communication hub, called qech for short, which is untraceable because of how it works." "what's the qech exactly? how does it work?" jake asked.

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Storm on the Horizon (Chap19, Book8)

"yes, i can quantum entangle your gym, señor parker." conner fidgeted for a moment. "we can do it at the vault. it's in the south pacific. i can take james, reno, and anyone else who wants to..." "dios mio, and i thought _i_moved too quickly.

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So Many Unexpected Things

[q-link, m10, irusset el ineglard de vardenai til nostor override xn-drg-07-c terra drake to ocontact conclavia directorate oversight] you're using quantum entanglement, now stop that ship! you're going to pollute earth's society if they detect us!

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What Lurks Beneath [COM]

"it's similar to the concept of quantum entanglement if you're familiar." "amazing how you've been able to keep on top of scientific phenomena despite being stuck out here for so long."

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Information Age (A2, B1, C8)

I wasn't aware that quantum entanglement worked on a macro level. that's impressive." reno rubbed his forehead. "jesus. i can do all that?" "if you practice. karla, i also made some calls after last we spoke. i did some tracking for you.

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