A New Life chapter 5: The Hunter

#12 of werewolf circus ok this one has a bit of violence and a special guest appearance! i was falling, falling with nothing to stop me, the tranquilizer had made certain of that. i hit the ground hard, at least i think i hit it hard.

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Crimson on Copper - Excerpt from Inhuman Acts

"you should ask our special guest," the sergeant suggested. "and who is...?" at his gesture, i turned to the other figure in the room. i had shrugged it off as another automaton, in for servicing or some other reason.

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The Show

For 'special' guests." "'special' guests sir?" the blonde's question went unanswered as the tiger carefully removed jessica's glasses.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Sixty-sixth Entry

Fun times with the family, and kyte as a special guest. but at the end, rufus finds himself feeling...well...'different.'

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Solomon Talks: On The Subject of Diet

special guest lecturer caracal solomon gives a quick talk on some of the aspects of an animal society. today's topic: the social classification of carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores, and their diets. good afternoon, all.

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Chapter 11 - Meet the Parents! The Dragoon of Fire's First Impression! (Part 1)

"he's this year's special guest?...but...i thought humans weren't allowed in this dimension...", asked someone, while his friend pushed him out of anger, "grrr...shut up! didn't you hear? hes a decendant of eurasia!

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Reoxxan at the Exhibition 5

Tik tik special guest and cannot be treated bad." the guards take a step back, looking at each other. they lower their weapons and step aside. reoxxan blinks but then leans closer towards one of the sentries, only to exclaim.

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Contained - Mouse Story

"the boss wanted to make sure that 'is 'special guest' was well cared for, remembah? drink, food, and makin' sure that he's under lock and key." sure enough, i could feel the bonds behind my back tighten as i tried to sit up.

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It Started With a Night of Fright (Spera's View 1)

"raymon clean up this table we will need it to question our, special guest."

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 15

However this time the spectre was accompanied by a few special guest. special guest that were currently ballgagged.

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Under the Covers

"how did you like being my special guest, trissie?" the feline lapped lightly at the bridge of the skunk's nose in a grooming manner. trissie closed her eyes.

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Dark Desires Chapter 8 of 25: Commander's Day Off

The commander's quarters contains her office as the front room and a privet bedroom/bathroom for her special guests.

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