The Beloved Pet Ch6

Before i could, however, we arrived at the hanger that housed his star ship. taking time to catch my breath i gazed upon it with considerable interest.

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Starburst: Prologue - The day the world burned,

The star dragons were allowed to come to earth and trade, but in return they should teach the humans to build star ships like the ones the dragons used, and be under offical star dragon protection. the inter-galactic aliance was born.

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The Lost Ship:Origins

.** the following log takes place fives years before a star ship went to investigate it and where never seen again. from what we can place this is what happen...during the first infection. "alright!"

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Grandpa's story

"it's looks like a star ship." i used a little nod to control the position of the light. then i found a big sign on one of the flouting debris. it looked like a dragon head. it said. drako star crosier, 'star crosier huh?' "tom go check it out."

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My Slave Family- Chapter 20

In the series the star ship had a computer that talked to the crew and told them of problems it was experiencing. lou managed to incorporate copies of the voice into his own network of alarms around the mansion. "what's going on?"

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Peas and Carrots

"you know, i pilot a star-ship. a snow rabbit ship. state-of-the-art. you can have all your dinky shuttles and pods and your ... hidden rules ... doesn't hurt me."

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The Honey Breeze

And stay away from their star-ship. just ... spook their settlement. maybe they'll scare easily. maybe they'll go away." "if they don't?" was the worried question.

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Legend of the Justicar Act1/Part 6

_the odysseus_ was the largest of its class and the pride of the countless orbital ship yards that it took to put together such a behemoth of a star ship.

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A Realm Divided Act 1/Episode 1

The planet that was directly in front of the advance star ship was massive in scale and size with its asteroid belt equally as large.

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Meet the Black Stars; Wintro's Story

"its armour plating is rated for star ship hulls which means only heavy ordnance will bring it down!" the drone shook when a cluster of grenades impacted its left leg and when a salvo of rockets from several marines hit the same joint.

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Code Red, Part 1

For the love of biscuits, who would have thought that being an ensign on board a star ship would be so damned hard? * * *

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Dark Desires Chapter 1: A Commader's Needs

A small star ship zooms by to the docking deck. once within the tent sasha looks over the dig site's map seeing the scale of the temple complex's size truly is.

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