Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.2 - Suspect Contained

They huddled round for the strategy meet, setting up their plan against the next team which turned out to be the blades much to their relief.

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Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 10

"alright, i trust your judgment on this... but we'll have a word with the general and some other friends nonetheless, at our final strategy meeting. it sounds like we don't have a lot of time to prepare, though."

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Gemini deLeon (Second Eternity - Eps 11)

Dominic replies, "the big show, as you call it, is more an important strategy meeting. we can't just wander into athens and act like tourists. all this is deja'vu for me. and we cannot afford mistakes.

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Contest Part 3

"it's just a strategy meeting; we're not doing anything against the rules," said volcan. "anyway, let's get to it; we need to decide who's going up against who tomorrow, because i have a feeling if we're not specific about it, we just might lose."

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 11: Misguided

"hope he remembers the strategy meeting today." "luke is not one to forget something as important as that." katsu assured the blaziken. "i'm sure he'll be here shortly."

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 2: Research (Pt 1)

The strategy meeting continued for a little longer, with everyone being made clear of the roles they played in the battles ahead. with their meeting adjourned, volcan, luke, minato and lashanne boarded the airship ready to leave.

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Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 8: The Siege of Hadleigh

"he brought it up during our strategy meeting." minato cast a wary glance at luke, understanding the danger better than anyone else in the group.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act III, Part 8

Go get huck and some food, and come up here for a strategy meeting over lunch! i think the cannons are being moved into place!"

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Chapter 4: Trouble in the North

He thought, remembering the strategy meeting the group had had during the i.t.o.u.e incident, where they had planned to lead them into a trap.

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10. My New Life-9-1

"sorry," i answer sheepishly, "but you know as 15th co, i have a lot of things to do to keep my ships in top condition plus i'm always drawn to strategy meetings and panels, most of hq refuse to let me disappear long enough to call it a vacation because they

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Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 4

I'll give you... two hours to settle in, and then i'll send a servant to find you for a strategy meeting... but of course, feel free to wander the palace. make yourself at home... you deserve it more than i do." "nah."

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